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Woke religion and the ruination of San Fransicko
Religion Of Peace
Blind Spot Documentary Explore Crucial Issues in Our Time - Movie Review
Marxism, BLM, and American gullibility
The Psychology of Totalitarianism
Stop All Diversity and Chain-Immigration Now!
When White America Becomes The New Minority
Uppity school kids are now dictating American law?
The Ideas That Formed the Constitution
Video highlights archive
Demography and Destiny
Creepy Technology - a review of the video documentary: The Creepy Line
The Dartmouth Speech They Tried To Suppress
United By Skepticism
Social media bias and censorship
I just learned how to Discover the Networks
Three Levels of Political Awareness
Anticipating the inevitable end of growth
Resisting the Marxist Military Revolution
Modern Medicine's Great Controversy
Rethinking the Second Amendment
Capitol Punishment - the movie
Frothing fascists take another bite at free speech
Victims of YouTube's new censorship
Finding the Trimtab
The IQ Of Nations
Living Within Limits - The Enduring Relevance of Garrett Hardin
Race Realism
Observations of an American Journalist About America
China Virus Resources
Cultural Marxism, Political Correctness, and Critical Theory
Tired, Poor and Yearning to Work and Be Free
Most Destructive Force in 21st Century America: Endless Legal Immigration
Preserving our Constitution for an Un-Serious Nation
The Social Dilemma
Endless immigration has unraveled our national identity
Slavery: setting the record straight on slavery
The migration caravans - immigration death by a thousand cuts
Competing Cultures Breaking Down America’s Culture
How the Left Took Over Everything
Some perspective on the Chinese bat soup virus
Rip Van Winkle went to sleep a socialist and woke up a fascist
When Liberals Were For Sensible Policies on the Environment, Immigration, and Advancing the National Interest - the Social Contract Winter 2019 issue
Communist Constant Contact cancels CAIRCO account - Marxists are on a real roll! What fun!
Police State
Population, immigration, and global ethics
The Progressive Threat
America’s honor
Understanding Our Enemy
Countdown to Oligarchy
Identity Politics: squabbling factions
The True History of the Pilgrim Fathers and Our Founding Myth
Racism comes to the Art Institute
America is morphing Into a lawless country
Educational Equity, Racist Mathematics, and Lowest Common Denominator
Are We trying to Commit Suicide in America?
A new Colorado initiative could separate residents from illegal aliens
130 Unusual Maps That Might Change How You See The World
Vancouver is dying - from what?
Disney's Awful Addiction to Grooming
A Guide to Human Biodiversity
The Disintegration of Our Country and Society
Erase the Face
The Strange Death of Europe and the Strange Decay of America
Book Review: A Requisite Course on Political Islam - What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
Fighting corporate racism
Political Persecution of Dinesh D’Souza
Media Bias in Black and White - Graphing the Great Awokening
Tucker Carlson Challenges Liberal Shibboleth of Diversity
On net neutrality
Discussing the verboten - Human BioDiversity (HBD)
Whatever Happened to Assimilation?
BLEXIT: In My Own Words
Looking Back on 2023; Painfully Looking Toward 2024
California critic of Islam gets Slapped in the Face...book
Masking corporate fascism
Why Propaganda Works
Is Diversity Our Strength?
Culture War 2.0
Updates on the Migration Invasion Caravans
Government's Mass Censorship Campaign
Book review: Who We Are and How We Got Here
The Bill of Rights vs The 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto
Multiculturalism - not all cultures and civilizations are equal
Really, Can You Just Can It?
Hating Your Own Country: Teaching U.S. Kids to Loathe America
A nation of Americans - video perspective
Our Completely Decrepit and Incompetent President
War On Western Culture
YouTube censors diversity ... of thought
Refusing racist rot in education
The Real Story of January 6 - A Solid Documentary
Why America's ruling class betrays Western Civilization
Woke DEI and the Green New Deal Are Like a Social Fireball Hitting America
Who was Karl Marx - video
The War on Christmas
A Smaller Population Is Better
The Perfect Storm Descending Upon America part 2: Sociological Impact
Is Assimilation Even Possible Anymore?
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