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Colorado middle school students receive outrageous sex- and racism-filled survey
American Thinker
... the 9R School District in the southwest corner of the state...   As incumbent 9R Democrats denied the existence of CRT (Critical Race Theory), the thirteen-page 2021 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey was being distributed to 9R's middle school students while exposing alarmingly inappropriate topics to 10- to 14-year-olds (...
Canadian school cancels ISIS survivor Nadia Murad event - harrowing account of torture and rape by fellow Muslims: 'would be offensive to Muslims'
Bare Naked Islam

Murad was scheduled to sit down with students from the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) – the largest school Board in Canada with nearly 600 schools – to discuss her book The Last Girl: My Story Of Captivity in February 2022....

Daily Mail:  Murad’s graphic exposé detailed how she escaped the Islamic State, where...

Biden Regime CDC Demands Airlines Hand Over Names Of All Southern African Passengers
Zero Hedge

As we wait for President Biden to confirm the new travel restrictions that have been reported Tuesday and Wednesday (the president is expected to announce them on Thursday) Reuters reported Wednesday morning that it has seen a copy of a letter from the CDC asking airlines to turn over the names of all passengers who...

Martin Armstrong Warns "America Is Under Attack By Marxist Globalists"
Zero Hedge

... There is massive inflation, huge defaults of debt in China, a badly broken supply chain and a hostile government against “We the People” here in America....

Armstrong contends it is not an accident that all this is happening now to the United States because Marxist globalists want to overthrow our...

Sheriffs won’t enforce local mask orders; that responsibility belongs to health officials
Complete Colorado
While Governor Jared Polis continues to stand firm against pressure from both public health officials and some media outlets to reinstitute a statewide mask mandate, sheriffs in counties where local mandates are in effect say they won’t be enforcing them.   Mask mandates are now in place in Larimer, Boulder, Jefferson,...
Nurses Say Colorado Hospitals Are In Crisis And It’s Getting Worse
4CBS Denver

She was named nurse of the year in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, she’s been fired — and is speaking out. Stevie Silvers says UCHealth let her go, a year and a half after honoring her for “transformational leadership.”...

Because of the exemption, she’s required to get a COVID test every 72 hours. She...

Tracking Coloradans to 10 feet - $1.6 million payday for Polis friends
Denver Gazette
Colorado paid more than $630,000 last year to a group of personal and business associates of Gov. Jared Polis that had ostensibly volunteered to help the state manage its way through the COVID-19 pandemic by tracking people’s movements, records show.   Then, when that group’s work was done in late 2020, the state began...
Woke Salvation Army Asks Donors to Offer ‘Sincere Apology’ for Whiteness

Watch out who you donate to this holiday season.


The Salvation Army has followed the lead of other woke organizations in entering the establishment media-manufactured race war and is asking donors to offer a “sincere apology” for whiteness, as detailed in a resource guide “developed to guide The...

Marine to sue Wal-Mart: refused prescription for life-saving Ivermectin
Gateway Pundit
As a Marine, Bill Salier was shot at by snipers in Mogadishu during his nearly five years serving his country. With an impressive security clearance, earlier he was trusted to guard the Presidency from threats on station at Camp David. For the next 20 years he farmed 250 acres in Iowa producing corn, soybeans and pigs to feed...
Great news! NO statewide mask mandate for Colorado
Denver Channel

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis said he would not be ordering another statewide mask mandate as several Denver metro area counties announced new requirements that take effect Wednesday....


Compelling Perspectives on Politicization of the China Virus

Time to stop masking the real science

Is There Really a Climate Emergency?
Prager U

Is There Really a Climate Emergency? - 5 minute video by Steve Koonin, former Undersecretary for Science in the Obama Administration.

The climate is the most complex system on Earth. Is it really possible to project with any precision what it will be like 20, 40, or even 100 years from now? Steve Koonin, former...

Biden Regime Forced to Reinstate Trump ‘Remain in Mexico’ Asylum Policy
Reuters and Times of San Diego

... Joe Biden will start turning asylum seekers back to Mexico as soon as next week under a reinstated Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” program, Axios reported on Wednesday.

However, the Biden administration will offer them the option of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine ...

CAIRCO Research:

Mexico offers...

FBI Raids House of Activist Mom Who Opposes School Boards' Policies, Alleged Election Fraud
New American

An FBI Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team, along with state and local authorities, raided the home of an activist mother of four in Grand Junction, Colorado, on Tuesday.

Sherronna Bishop is a mother of four, a constitutional conservative, and an American patriot who “tenaciously defends core values of God-...

Pueblo, Colorado honoring healthcare workers by firing them
American Thinker
Next week Pueblo, Colorado “leaders” will honor our healthcare, essential and front-line workers during the 2021 Courthouse Lighting Ceremony Tuesday, Nov. 23.  The question is, which healthcare workers are they honoring? The hundreds that have quit or been fired by Parkview Medical Center, Colorado Mental Health Institute at...
Totalitarianism and the Five Stages of Dehumanization
Burning Platform

Hannah Arendt’s seminal work The Origins of Totalitarianism (1948) makes for sobering reading in the world we see developing around us in the year 2021. Indeed, we find ourselves in an impasse of epic proportions where the essence of what it means to be human is at stake....

... there is no doubt that we are faced...

Aspen Institute's Orwellian Commission On Controlling Speech In America

The Aspen Institute has issued the results of its much heralded 16-person Commission on Information Disorder on how to protect the public from misinformation. The commission on disinformation and “building trust” was partially headed by Katie Couric who is still struggling with her own admission that she edited an interview...

Yes, Democrats, let's just give our oil reserves away
American Thinker

CAIRCO note: the Biden Regime's Green New Deal policies are deliberately intended to cripple American oil production and force the transition to alternative sources of energy. This will be accompanied by a deliberate reduction in American standard of living and quality of life, almost as if it's part of some diabolical...

Diabolical — How Digital ID Will Control Your Life
Lew Rockwell

While the media continue to scoff at warnings that vaccine passports are part of a surveillance structure that is likely to become a permanent part of our lives if we allow their implementation, there’s nothing to suggest that this won’t be the case....

... India, where a digital ID system has already been implemented...

From Kids to Comrades
Neo-Marxists are Communizing your children
American Mind

... The Department of Justice targets parents for challenging the school’s racialist curriculum. Police officers arrest a dad after he exposes that his daughter was raped in her school’s bathroom by a boy in a skirt. A politician declares, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” These...

The Counterrevolution and the Republican Party
American Thinker

For nearly a year the Biden “presidency” -- whoever they are -- has subjected the United States to a destructive revolutionary agenda of unprecedented scope and virulence, all of it arising out of an irrational civilizational death wish for which there is no historical parallel.

No more than a small minority of...

The Twin Pillars of Biden’s Failure
Biden and his followers and minders will go down because of these two issues.
American Greatness

Everything has gone so terribly wrong for the Biden Administration, and in the ways that were widely predicted, that it is hard to believe Joe Biden could be perceived as a successful or at least potentially successful president if only he had avoided being such a tool of the Democratic extreme Left. On the afternoon of his...

Do Not Give Up Your Rights - Dr. Julie Ponesse's Remarkable Speech - video
Activist Post

Dr. Julie Ponesse is a professor of ethics who has taught at Ontario’s Huron University College for 20 years. She was placed on leave and banned from accessing her campus due to the vaccine mandate. She presented at the The Faith and Democracy Series on October 28, 2021. Dr. Ponesse has now taken on a new role with The...

The Largest Experiment Performed on Human Beings in the History of the World - video
New American

In an exclusive and explosive one-hour interview with Veronika Kyrylenko of The New American, pioneering mRNA scientist Dr. Robert Malone explains the intensely corrupt workings of the government regulatory bodies that have mismanaged the pandemic, discusses the problems with the vaccine program and delves into potentially...

Immigrant says Americans favoring communism need to learn from history
Immigrant from former Soviet nation shocked to find communism growing in America
Fox News

 Romanian immigrant who moved to the United States in pursuit of a better life said Americans favoring communism need to learn from history or "nothing will save you."

"I'm not saying that every system in the world is perfect, but to be in favor of communism, considering history and everything that has been documented...

Colorado’s costly attempts to curb COVID
Denver Gazette

... A compelling and eye-opening study just released by Colorado’s Independence Institute represents the most comprehensive effort so far to tally that toll on our state. “Unequal opportunities, unequal outcomes: the COVID-19 [China Virus] recession in Colorado,” conducted by economist Paul Prentice and researcher Jim Royal...

Is America in irreversible decline?
New Criterion

The answer to the question that Roger Kimball gave me for reply is that no, the United States is not in irreversible decline at all. It is at a plateau that should be sustainable for a long time. It has had an untimely and even freakish confluence of unfortunate circumstances, but the United States is today no less...

Paralegal: direct advice on how to handle issues related to vaxx mandates - video
Vlad Tepes Blog

This in particular is for people dealing workplace related vaxx mandates. Its well presented.



Opposition is growing to un-American vaccine mandate, by Jeff Crouere, November 15, 2021:

... Regardless of whether the number of hospitalized patients or virus-related...

Texas lawmaker uncovers secret operation to move migrants across the US, house them in abandoned hotels
The migrants were reportedly given packets on how to get past TSA and enroll kids in schools
Fox News

Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Texas said Monday that he has uncovered a secret operation by nonprofits to house and move migrants [illegal aliens] within the United States, providing them with a packet on how to navigate and assimilate into the country.

The Texas representative subsequently hopped on a plane and discovered...

Illegal aliens Would Get $10.5 Billion From Reconciliation Bill
Real Clear Politics

The budget reconciliation package pushed by Democrats creates a new expanded child tax credit (CTC) that would pay illegal immigrants [illegal aliens] some $10.5 billion next year. All immigrants [and illegal aliens] with children are eligible, regardless of how they got here and whether their children are U.S.-born. This...

US considering returning some evacuees who don't pass vetting process to Afghanistan

The Biden administration is considering sending some of the Afghan evacuees at a US military base in Kosovo back to Afghanistan if they cannot clear the intense vetting process to come to the United States, according to three US officials familiar with the matter ...

That option is mired in human rights concerns and...

Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset' (Videos)
RAIR Foundation

... Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.

How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in...
The specter of Chinese civilization
On Chinese and Western models of governance
The New Criterion

This is a superb article which provides much to consider. It is well worth reading in its entirety.

Editors’ note: Angelo M. Codevilla, who died on September 21, 2021, was reviewing final edits on this essay at the time of his death.

Since few doubt that the increasingly numerous Chinese people are rising in...
The Surveillance State Has a Naughty List, and You’re On It
Lew Rockwell


Tracking you based on your health status. In the age of COVID-19, digital health passports are gaining traction as gatekeepers of a sort, restricting access to travel, entertainment, etc....

Tracking you based on your face: Facial recognition software...  One particularly controversial software program...

Jobs Displacement Soars As Immigrants / Aliens Take ALL New Jobs in October

"America is getting back to work. Our economy is starting to work for more Americans," Joe Biden claimed after the October jobs data showed payrolls surging by 531,000 in October, their biggest jump since July [Biden says his plans are working after October jobs report beats expectations, by Kate Sullivan, CNN, November 5,...

Record number of ​immigrants [illegal aliens] funneled into alternative detention programs
The Hill

The number of migrants being monitored under a surveillance program launched as an alternative to traditional detention facilities has grown astronomically during the Biden administration.

The program has become a favorite of the Biden administration, which has tried to position its immigration strategy as a humane...

Must-see Tucker Carlson video about the cause of America’s woes
American Thinker

People are beginning to realize that something is wrong with America’s ruling class and, by “people,” I don’t mean people like you, who are actively engaged in politics. I’m talking about people who want nothing to do with politics or people living in prosperous leftist who haven’t been forced to think about what’s...

Biden admin sending court docs to tens of thousands of migrants released into US
The Biden administration released many migrants without notices to appear in court
Fox News

The Biden administration is launching an effort to send court documents to tens of thousands of immigrants who crossed the border illegally and who were released into the United States as authorities struggled to cope with the enormous influx of migrants hitting the border each month...

An Immigration and Customs...

Cultural Marxism and Critical Theory - The Importance of the Narrative
Lew Rockwell

The following article explains why facts fail to convince leftists. The narrative - that is, the social programming - is of overall importance. The article discusses the book: The Red Trojan Horse: A Concise Analysis of Cultural Marxism, by Alasdair Elder.

Excerpts follow:

This is the second of two posts...

Destructive Left-Wing Logic Behind Biden’s $450K Reparations for Border Crossers
That strategy can be summed up in four Leninist words: The worse the better.

Did you hear the one about the Biden administration’s plan to pay illegal aliens $450,000?... And yet as we shall see, the plan was true, and it did come from his administration....

... on October 28, The Wall Street Journal had the scoop on the Biden administration’s plan for the half-million-dollar deal.... As...

How 31 Republicans Just Betrayed The Country To Reward Illegal Immigration, Worsen Inflation, And Pay Off Democrats’ Donors
The largest cradle-to-grave expansion of federal power since the New Deal

At nearly midnight on Friday, 13 House Republicans gave Speaker Nancy Pelosi the votes she needed to pass the so-called “bipartisan infrastructure bill”...

Over at National Review, Philip Klein called the move by these 13 Republicans “political malpractice,” and a “betrayal.”...

It’s worth unpacking a few of...
Lithuania is building the first European steel wall to stop illegal alien Muslim invaders from entering the country from Belarus
Bare Naked Islam

Lithuania has started building the first stretches of a steel wall on its border with Belarus since illegal alien Muslim invaders from the Middle East, Africa, and other areas began entering this year. The European Union has accused Belarus of deliberately encouraging the illegal migrants to enter EU states Poland,...

The Racial Hoax That's Killing America - video
David Horowitz’s new book pounds a leftist lie into dust.
FrontPage Mag

Order David Horowitz's new book -- I Can't Breathe: How a Racial Hoax Is Killing America: HERE.]

We live in an age of many lies, and David Horowitz’s I Can’t Breathe lays bare what is perhaps the most destructive lie of them all: the claim that America is a congenitally racist nation where, as Vice President Kamala...

The Sovietization of America
Mises / Lew Rockwell
Jeff Deist: We’re speaking in mid-September, and President Biden just announced executive orders mandating vaccines for many employers. As a former Soviet citizen, what do you make of this?   Yuri Maltsev: That’s awful. In the United States, fascism comes in the very strange form of an elderly dementia patient. Usually...
Pathological Self-Hatred of Western Elites Silences Debate on Immigration and Environment
Epoch Times

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, has studied immigration-related issues for decades.


The Epoch Times: I’ve written a few times about the environmental impact of immigration, and particularly illegal immigration. I’ve focused on carbon emissions in their home...

Texas Covid Patient Denied Medical Treatment For Being White
Information Liberation
A Texas man has been denied monoclonal antibody treatment for covid because he is white.   Harrison Hill Smith, the host of American Journal, revealed the shocking race-based medical rationing scheme in a series of posts Saturday on Twitter....   Related

This is CRT in real-life...

Towards A Single World Currency
Zero Hedge

...  it’s helpful to say a bit more about what central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are.

CBDCs are not cryptocurrencies. The CBDCs are digital in form, are recorded on a ledger (maintained by a central bank or Finance Ministry), and the message traffic is encrypted. Still, the resemblance to cryptos ends there...
White Identity Politics Won in Virginia
Unz Review

Moderate Republican Glenn Youngkin surprisingly won the Virginia gubernatorial race this week. The state, once a battleground, has become a solid blue state in recent years....

It was due to white identity politics. This may surprise some readers.... That’s because the decisive issue in the race was “Critical Race...

Perfect summation of Vaxx mandates by European Parliament member: Video
Vlad Tepes Blog

From Vlad Tepes blog, November 3, 2021:

"We posted this MEP’s near perfect speech in the original context the other day. But someone set it to music and video and frankly, it's very effective."


Here is the original speech by Christine Anderson, member, European Parliament:


Staggering Number of U.S. Green-Card Holders Stranded in Afghanistan
National Review

The State Department believes that as many as 14,000 legal permanent residents of the U.S. remain in Afghanistan, 77 days after President Biden pledged that, “If there are American citizens left, we’re going to stay until we get them all out”...

Because it cannot be emphasized enough, President Biden told ABC News...

The Stakes, Higher Than Ever
American Mind

The Stakes was written between December 2019 and May 2020, then augmented in June as the effects of the spring and summer rioting and crime wave, plus the COVID-19 lockdowns and mask mandates, were just beginning to be felt...

The America of 2021 is the America of 2020, only more so, and the country will continue...

Videos on the impact of mass immigration and population growth

Here are selected videos on mass immigration. These short videos focus on the tremendous impact mass immigration is having on the United States - an impact that America's children of all races, creeds, and colors will have to bear.

You can also view all articles tagged with video - this will present a list of articles...

Mesa County, Colorado 2020 Election Results Reviewed – Thousands of Ballots and Entire Process Contaminated – 2020 Election Results Never Should Have Been Certified
Gateway Pundit

Mesa County Colorado Clerk Tina Peters knew that the Colorado Secretary of State was most likely committing a crime when she ordered voting machines cleaned of 2020 Election results so Peters made a backup of her County’s 2020 voting machines.  She was then targeted by the state for her actions.

Mesa County Clerk Tina...

In 2018: EU Already Planned Vaccination Certificates, Monitoring Vaccine Status, Combating Hesitancy
RAIR Foundation
Over a year before the [China virus] pandemic, the globalist European Union was strategizing on developing a sophisticated immunization tracking database, vaccine passports, and preemptively squashing “vaccine hesitancy.”   In 2018, a year before the coroanvirus outbreak, the European Commission released a document already...
Psychiatrist: COVID Policies Not About Health, They’re About Authoritarian Control
American Greatness

A Los Angeles based psychiatrist [Dr. Mark McDonald] has come forward to denounce global COVID policies like lockdowns, masking, and vaccine mandates, arguing that these policies are not about health, but about control, and the endgame is a Chinese style authoritarian government....

"I am convinced that from the...

'White People, You Are The Problem': AT&T Racial Reeducation Program Leaked
"AT&T Corporation has created a racial reeducation program that promotes the idea that 'American racism is a uniquely white trait' and boosts left-wing causes such as 'reparations,' 'defund police,' and 'trans activism,'" Christopher Rufo reports.   From City Journal:   I have obtained a cache of internal...
Biden Regime Gives Illegal Aliens Protected Areas To Evade Arrest

... Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a list of places where illegal aliens cannot be arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents.

On Wednesday, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced new guidance to ICE and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that creates a number of “...
Biden Regime: Pay Border Crossers $450K Each in Reparations

... Biden’s administration is considering a plan that would give [illegal alien] border crossers, who were subjected to former President Donald Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy, about $450,000 each in a reparations-style payout....

In some instances, a migrant family could secure about $1 million from such a payout...

Cartels Move More Than a Migrant Caravan Daily into U.S.
As attention is focused on a single caravan in Mexico consisting of an estimated 3,000 to 5,000 migrants headed to the U.S. southern border, cartels separately move the equivalent into the states each day.   The caravans capture significant media attention by design. They are politically organized and seek to use the clout...
Do Americans Have a Future?
Yes, but not a good one.
Institute for Political Economy
Do Americans Have a Future?   Yes, but not a good one....   Democracy cannot survive when the media is a lie factory serving secret agendas and politicians are servants of the special interests that provide their election funds... also Congress has given up power to executive branch regulatory agencies and to the...
Biden Regime Could Stop the 60,000 Migrant Surge Immediately
Some 60,000 migrants are reported to be gathering south of the border to enter the United States.  It will be one of the largest surges of illegal aliens into the country in a year that has already shattered previous records in border apprehensions.   It’s yet another chapter in the ongoing saga of human trafficking, drug...
Exclusive — Sen. Bill Hagerty: $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Bill Includes ‘Carve-Out for the Big Tech Corporations Who Want an Unlimited Use of Foreign Workers’

Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) said on Tuesday the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill being pushed by Democrats includes a “carve-out” to provide “unlimited use of foreign workers” for Big Tech companies.

“This is typical of these giant, massive, Washington D.C. bills,” Hagerty said on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with...

The Assange case is the most important battle for press freedom in our time

If the WikiLeaks founder is extradited and found guilty of publishing classified material, it will set a legal precedent that will effectively end national security reporting...

Assange is being extradited because his organization WikiLeaks released the Iraq War Logs in October 2010, which documented numerous US...

French National Suicide: Macron: millions promote Islam and Arabic in schools
President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday his government will spend €10 million a year on the scheme, daily Le Figaro reports.
Bare Naked Islam

... At the educational level, Macron announced a ban on homeschooling beginning this year, with the only exceptions being “strictly limited for those with health requirements.” The French president said that school attendance will therefore be compulsory from the age of three. “It is a necessity,” he said....


Migration Crisis Overview: Americanists vs. Transformationists
Biden’s immigration policy represents an existential conflict; at stake is our life or death as a self-governing republic.
American Greatness

... The September surge of thousands of illegal Haitian border crossers from Chile and Brazil camped under an international bridge in Del Rio, Texas is simply the latest debacle in the never-ending migration crisis. Month after month, day after day, the border between the United States and Mexico becomes more porous, more...

The Specter of One World Government Looms Large
U.N. Agenda 2030
American Thinker

The U.N.'s Agenda 2030 is still in place, and the clock is ticking toward its empowerment — only eight years and two-plus months to go. This Agenda is for a new world government...

This new government on our horizon explains many of the failures in policies in these first months of the Biden administration. The...

High Stakes in Virginia
The stakes are the future of this nation

... One of the reasons is that many Virginia parents are outraged by the "woke" propaganda their children are being subjected to in the public schools -- and the governor has sided with the education bureaucrats and the teachers union.

Very few politicians in any state dare to go against the teachers unions, which...
National Guard Soldiers Start Arresting Illegal Aliens on the U.S.-Mexico Border
a Historic United States First
Center for Immigration Studies

AUSTIN, Texas — In a dive into new political and legal water, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has initiated the first-ever border security operations in which thousands of National Guard troops — newly imbued with civilian arrest authority and given 40 hours of traditional police training in the use of deadly force — have...

American Gulag
631 people arrested. Zero people charged with insurrection.
American Gulag
Latest Political Prisoner Updates:   Brian Ulrich Brian McCreary Brian Gundersen Brian Glenn Bingham Brian E. Stenz Brian Christopher Mock Brandon Straka Brandon Miller Brandon Fellows Michael Eckerman Bradley Rukstales Brady Knowlton Boyd Allen Camper Blake A. Reed Bennie Alvin Parker...
Are The US Supply Chain Disruptions Deliberate?
Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo may have accidentally leaked the cause of America’s supply chain issues.    "The reality is the only way we’re going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated,” Adeyemo admitted in an interview...
The Left Thrives on Chaos and Destroys Everything it Touches
PragerU / OAN

Dennis Prager begins at 5:14 in the following video:


DENNIS PRAGER ON THE LEFT's URGE TO DESTROY, GRAB POWER, CREATE POLICE STATES [invited on OANN's The Real Story with Natalie Harp, Oct 8, 2021 to comment on a dismal September jobs report, Prager steers the conversation to a long time focus of his...
New Video: Police Let Peaceful Protesters Into Capitol On Jan 6 Without Incident
Information Liberation

Newly released video from inside the Capitol on Jan 6, which the DOJ has fought to keep secret, shows police let peaceful pro-Trump protesters into the building without incident.

Government prosecutors told the court this was "a riotous mob forcibly breaching the Capitol" that was "endangering the lives" of the...

DHS Insider Exposes 'Reasonable Fear' Migrant Asylum Loophole - Goes Public
Project Veritas

DHS Insider Who Exposed 'Reasonable Fear' Migrant Asylum Loophole Goes Public:


Transcript (auto generated):

So you blew the whistle on DHS. The last time you spoke to us in the shadows you told us about some violent criminals, including members of the 18th street gang obtaining...

Former Border Patrol Agent On The Invasion: OTMs, Catch-And-Release, And Hidden Illegals

... The numbers of crossings on the Texas/Mexico border are compiled from Tuesday to Tuesday. The week ending September 21st had 33,000 illegal aliens encountered, September 28th had 26,000 and October 5th had a little over 20,000.

A significant portion of the illegal aliens were OTMs meaning "Other Than Mexican."...

Get Smart About What Really Happened in the 2020 Election
Gatestone Institute
Two ingredients drove the outcome in the 2020 elections: First, private philanthropy injected into government election offices and, second, a banana-republic style suspension of agreed-upon election rules. You didn't need much outright voter fraud when these two ingredients combined to poison the 2020 election.   The CTCL took...
France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization
Gatestone Institute
Where Islam takes hold, it is forever. Islamism is based on Islam, which no one has the right to criticize. But in your countries it also plays a role in democracy and in the rule of law. Islamism exploits these values. Since democracy recognizes all opinions, from the far right to the far left, it is obliged to recognize...
Poland joins Hungary in building wall bordering Belarus to keep out illegal alien Muslim invaders
Bare Naked Islam

Not only is Poland refusing to take in the EU-mandated quotas for Muslim illegal aliens, they are trying to prevent them from even using Poland as a way station while they try to get into the big welfare states of Western Europe....

Independent The Polish Council of Ministers has approved a draft legislation to...

Immigration: How the Biden Regime Is Violating the Constitution
Epoch Times

... there is another constitutional provision relevant to the Biden administration’s conduct—less noticed, but just as important. It is Article IV, Section 4:

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on...

The WEF and the Pandemic - global introduction of digital identity system
Using the pandemic as a catalyst for digital transformation and the global introduction of digital identity system
Swiss Policy Research

How is the Davos World Economic Forum involved in the coronavirus pandemic?

The Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) is a premier forum for governments, global corporations and international entrepreneurs. Founded in 1971 by engineer and economist Klaus Schwab, the WEF describes its mission as “shaping global, regional...

Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just A Press Release
Americans are no longer living under representative government.

...  It’s all a mirage. Biden’s so-called vaccine mandate doesn’t exist — at least, not yet. So far, all we have is his press conference and other such made-for-media huff-puffing. No such rule even claiming to be legally binding has been issued yet.

That’s why nearly two dozen Republican attorneys general who have...
Walmart's critical racist program denounces U.S. as white supremacy system
General Dispatch

Walmart launched a critical race theory training program that denounces the United States as a “white supremacy system” and… tteaches white hourly-wage workers that they are guilty of “white supremacy thinking” and “internalized racial superiority.”.

See the original article for highlights from the two day racist...

Head of Swedish Ambulance Drivers Union: No-go Zones are Reality for Us
Geller Report
Muslim no-go zones are not just tolerated but respected Western elites. But mention Muslim no-go zones or acknowledge their existence and you will be smeared, defamed, libeled and your livelihood destroyed. Forever.   The Democrat media complex and their fact checkers have declared there is no such thing. National security...
Illegal Alien Voting in Vermont Part of Democrats’ Long Game
Geller Report

G-d save the Republic from the treason party.

Noncitizen Voting in Vermont Part of Democrats’ ‘Long Game’

By: Fred Lucas / Daily Signal / October 04, 2021:   Noncitizens will be able to vote in two Vermont cities as part of a growing national trend, unless lawsuits prevent new laws from taking effect.   The cities...
Sink the New World Order Tax!

Last Friday, in a triumph for transnationalism, 136 nations, including the U.S., agreed to mandate a global corporate income tax for all nations that will not be allowed to fall below 15%....

The tax proposal is a giant leap forward toward a globalism that America has rejected, and its defeat should be made a priority...
Unvaccinated Quebec nurses and pharmacists to have licences suspended
The Quebec Order of Nurses (OIIQ) announced on Monday that it will suspend the practice permits of its members who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 as of next Friday.   The decision comes three days after Quebec Minister of Health and Social Services Christian Dubé urged the various professional orders of health-...
U.S. Government Targeted Julian Assange For Kidnapping or Assassination in 2017
A Transparently Obvious Motive Being Overlooked
Last Refuge

On September 26, 2021, Yahoo News published an extensive article about the CIA targeting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in 2017 and the extreme conversations that were taking place at the highest levels of the U.S. government about how to control him. There is a much bigger story transparently obvious when overlapped with...

Jobs Creators Network Slams Biden Regime’s Weak Jobs Report
Worst Jobs Report of the Year
The Jobs Creators Network reacted to President Joe Biden’s terrible jobs report, blaming his “failed policies” and radical agenda for “wrecking small businesses” across the country.   “This was the worst jobs report of the year and a clear indictment of President Biden’s failed policies,” the President and CEO of the Job...
Europeans Should "Prepare For Demographic Replenishment By Arabs And Asians"
Zero Hedge

The Financial Times has published an article which asserts that people living in European countries should “prepare for demographic replenishment by Arabs and Asians.”...

Yes, really.   Parag Khanna, the writer of the article also authored a book called ‘Move: How Mass Migration Will Reshape the World — and What...
So Deeply, Deeply Wrong
Lithuanian Without Vaccine Pass Describes Life Under Political Medical Tyranny
Zero Hedge

As governments around the world begin instituting Covid-19 'passports' which will dictate the level of participation one is afforded within society - regardless of naturally acquired immunity or actual risk to the public from the unvaccinated (considering that the majority of transmission occurs in the home), people have...

Largest Socialist Conference Netroots Nation Includes Democrat Politicians (Videos)
RAIR Foundation
Media Blackout:    Elected democrats, Biden administration officials and militant socialists come together at Netroots Nation 2021 conference   An annual socialist conference is underway that no one is paying much attention to. Netroots Nation, a three-day event, is the largest progressive conference of the year. Their...
Thierry Baudet: Exposes Covid is the Vehicle for the Globalist Plan (Video)
RAIR Foundation
Corona is the alibi, the pretext, the inducement to realize the new world order that has been prepared and desired for a long time.” - Thierry Baudet

Thierry Baudet, leader of the populist Right party Forum for Democracy in The Netherlands, gave a fiery speech in the Dutch parliament on Thursday to address the...

Oil System Collapsing so Fast It May Derail Renewables
Oil and gas industries are cannibalising themselves as the costs of fossil fuel extraction mount
Byline Times

A team of French government energy scientists are warning that the collapse of the global oil system is coming so rapidly it could derail the transition to a renewable energy system if it doesn’t happen fast enough. In just 13 years, global oil production could enter into a terminal and exponential decline, accompanied by...

Biden Regime paying millions a day to not build the border wall
Blaze Media
While speaking with Fox News this week, President Joe Biden's former Border Patrol chief, Rodney Scott, confirmed that under Biden's leadership, U.S. taxpayers are paying millions of dollars each day "to not" build a wall along its border with Mexico.   What did he say?   Scott told host Bret Baier that at one point,...
An Afghanistan Grows In Wisconsin... and Wyoming?
Geller Report
Biden didn’t withdraw from Afghanistan. He brought Afghanistan to America. And you won’t like what comes after America.   Muslims are the only immigrant group who come to the West with a ready made model of society they believe to be superior to Western law and they work tirelessly and by all means, to impose it. Under...
More than 10,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists Sign “Rome Declaration” in Protest, Launch New Information Platform
Geller Report
More than 10,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists Sign “Rome Declaration” in Protest, Launch New Information Platform   By: Global COVID Summit, Sep 23, 2021   Read the Declaration....   Over 10,500 physicians and medical scientists worldwide have signed the “Rome Declaration” to alert citizens about the deadly...
Colorado Hospital Refuses Kidney Transplant to Woman Over China Virus Vaccine Refusal
Epoch Times
A hospital in Colorado rejected a woman for a kidney transplant after she refused to get a COVID-19 vaccine, officials have confirmed.   Leilani Lutali received a letter on Sept. 28 informing her that the transplant team at the University of Colorado Hospital decided to designate her inactive on the waiting list for...
Reclaiming Representation - The War against Woke Communism
What’s called diversity more often means demographic engineering.
American Mind
This is a war not over the size of government or taxes, but over the American way of life. - Tom Klingenstein

In an excerpt from his speech, “Winning the Cold Civil War,” Claremont Board Chairman Thomas D. Klingenstein expertly describes the institutional collusion that imposes a radical Left paradigm on American society at...

Vaxx passports - a ticket to digital slavery?

[Updated September 21, 2021]

Something seems a bit odd in that most Western nations are forcing China virus shots upon their citizens. There is an abundance of evidence that the shots don't work as advertised. See Compelling Perspectives on Politicization of the China Virus, CAIRCO research.

So what's the...

Stakeholder Globalism
In contemporary Western democracy, the people aren’t the real constituency
American Mind

... As Cambridge historian David Runciman notes in How Democracy Ends, “the information technology revolution has completely altered the terms on which democracy must operate.” Capitalism is becoming less democratic and democracy less capitalist....

The decline in personal privacy might be worthwhile if it were...

Call of the Wild
Islam doesn’t preach peaceful coexistence: it preaches conquest.
American Greatness

In at least some parts of the United States, the Muslim call to prayer, known as the “adhan” or “azan” (Arabic for “announcement”), is a familiar sound....

In 2004, residents of Hamtramck, Michigan (which has been described as America’s only Muslim-majority city), voted to officially allow adhans that were already...

Australia: Orwellian Selfie Check-In Program for Home Quarantine
Australia is lost
Gateway Pundit
Australia is lost.   There is no going back to normal now.   Australia is running a mandatory quarantine program where you must respond to authorities with a selfie within 5 minutes of them calling or they will send health ministers to your home.   This is what happens when they take your guns....   Related...
