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World Population Growth Threatens Disaster for Western Civilization
American Renaissance

In less than a week, there will be eight billion people on Earth. United Nations Population Fund chief Natalie Kanem is cheerful about it...

On November 15, the United Nations will mark the “Day of Eight Billion,” which it says “is both a cause for celebration and a clarion call for humanity to find solutions to the...

US Families Have Lost $7,400 in Income Due to Harris-Biden Inflation
Epoch Times

Despite the annual inflation rate easing to below 8 percent in October, working families have still lost thousands of dollars in income under the current administration, says The Heritage Foundation in a new report....

In total, the average family has lost $6,100 in real annual income, says EJ Antoni, a research...

U.N.'s COP27 meeting: Replace capitalism with a new economic system

The World Economic Forum’s climate change agenda was “modeled” off the effort to roll out vaccines during the Covid pandemic, John Kerry said during a COP27 panel discussion in Egypt on Tuesday....

... U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said that it is urgent for the private sector to pair with...

Arizona Announces Election Results Delayed AGAIN... Until Next Week

This is an outrage. First they said we’d have the majority counted today. Then they said we’ve have the final result tomorrow. Now it’s ‘sometime next week.’  We would mock any other country for such wholesale corruption. And yet Americans just sit by and tolerate this grotesque criminality utterly destroying our most sacred...

We Just Won the Covid Argument
Lew Rockwell

... We all remember — how could we forget? — the hysteria around Sweden in 2020. Why, if they didn’t have a proper lockdown, Neil Ferguson and his Imperial College model said, they’d have 96,000 deaths by June!

The actual number turned out to be 4000.

So then the crazies fell back on: it did worse than the...

Victor Davis Hanson Offers Analysis On Outcome Of The Midterms
Real Clear Pilitics

... During the COVID-19 lockdowns, American elections radically changed to mail-in and early voting. They did so in a wild variety of state-by-state ways. Add ranked voting and a required majority margin to the mess and the result is that once cherished Election Day balloting becomes increasingly irrelevant....

It is...

Democrats Have Conditioned Americans to Passively Accept Election Theft
National File

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said that Democrats have conditioned Americans to “passively accept” election theft under the threat of a civil war, using their media apparatus to help drive fear into voters who think about asking too many questions.

Tucker Carlson predicted on the eve of the midterms that the Democrats...

One Of The Strangest Elections On The Books

It's one of the strangest elections on the books, as witness the shock among so many on the Democrat side that they did so well. They somehow managed to defy political gravity...

To get the most obvious out of the way, a lot of people are yelling "fraud." Some hinky stuff happened, and apparently we'll have to put up...

The Partisan Rigging of the 2022 Election
Election reform candidates are not the threat. The threat to democracy is to leave things the way they are.
American Greatness

...  The American media, by and large, along with Silicon Valley’s social media communications oligopolies, are doing everything they can to deny American voters the opportunity to politically realign their nation....

These days, and for at least the past year, PBS anchor Judy Woodruff, along with every PBS reporter,...

The Establishment Is Trying to Divide and Conquer MAGA
American Thinker

There are videos making the rounds showing President Trump standing on stage in Miami's pouring rain while imploring Americans to get out and vote.... I encourage you to cement in your minds this quintessential image of Trump unbroken and unbowed.  Whatever else can be said about the man (and there is plenty), he remains the...

Great Replacement Update: Record Gotaways In October

Upwards of 70,000 illegal aliens and perhaps more slipped past border agents in October, the first month of fiscal 2022. The exact figure is unclear, with reports ranging from 64,000 to 86,000. Whatever that number, the minimum is at least 2,000 illegals per day, few if any of whom will be deported if they are caught, even...

Another Stolen Election

... The [CNN] reporters compare the exit polls from the 2018 elections with those of the 2022 elections.  The comparisons show that the Democrats lost support in Tuesday’s elections among women, moderates, youth, people of color, urban voters, college graduates, and independents....

Consider also that the party in...

Democratic ties to Sam Bankman-Fried under scrutiny after FTX collapse
'Bedazzled by money' - Crypto firm's founder doled out $40 million, mostly to Democrats, in 2022
Market Watch

... Bankman-Fried, founder and CEO of the crumbling cryptocurrency exchange FTX, was one of the most generous donors to political causes during the 2022 election cycle, doling out $40 million, mostly to Democrats, with a particular focus on buoying crypto-friendly politicians in Democratic primaries....


Stella Assange: 'Corrupting the System at Every Level'
Consortium News

“I think there are some people within the U.S. and U.K. governments who understand how cancerous this whole affair is,” the wife of the imprisoned publisher tells Matt Kennard in a wide-ranging interview. 

“I think they keep him in Belmarsh because they can get away with it. It’s the most effective way of silencing him...
Democrats Are Failing the Democracy Test
American Greatness

Americans head to the polls on Tuesday, it is Democrats who are constantly reminding us of the virtues of American democracy, and how much that democracy is under threat from “ultra MAGA Republicans.” These deplorables routinely foment “insurrections,” deny people their right to vote, contest election results...


Biden's warning from his globalist puppet masters: 'Vote for us or else'

The narrative has been set for election chaos and political violence

Joe Biden, in his prime-time speech earlier this week, again painted the November 8 midterm election as a referendum, not on his policies, but on “democracy” itself...

“Democracy is on the ballot,” Biden said, a phrase that the CIA’s...

1.5 Million Legal Immigrants Granted Citizenship Since October 2021: Let's Vote!

Pro-migration advocates are touting their success in converting 1.5 million migrants into potential Democratic voters for the 2022 midterm elections.

“We are happy to report that [the government] naturalized an estimated 1.52 million new citizens in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 and FY22,” which ended October 1, said an email...

We Don’t Need A COVID Amnesty - We Need A COVID Nuremberg

When the COVID-19 Pandemic hit in 2020, the Ruling Class quickly shut down dissent and laid down quasi-religious dogmas and policies we now know weren’t just misguided but harmful: the virus emerged from a Chinese wet market and did not leak from a lab; we are all in this together and the virus affects all races similarly;...

Video: Tucker Carlson: The left has run this country into the ground
Deconstructing Joe Biden’s Democracy vs Autocracy Election Speech

Fox News host Tucker Carlson deconstructs Joe Biden's November 2 election speech. Tucker Carlson: The left has run this country into the ground:

Democrats failed. Conclusively. No group in American history has done a worse job running this country than the neoliberals currently in charge.


Vote Like Your Life Depends on It – Because it Does!
American thinker

This is it, the “most important election of our lifetime,”...

President Barack Obama described the original plan as “the fundamental transformation of America.” It was supposed to be eight years of Obama followed by eight more years of a President Hillary Clinton, to complete the “great reset” from freedom, liberty,...

Why Democrats Are Losing Hispanic Voters
The Atlantic

The left has alienated America’s fastest-growing group of voters just when they were supposed to give the party a foolproof majority....

I came to Arizona looking to answer the question of why, over the past few years, so many Hispanics have fled the Democratic Party. This exodus is evident across numerous counties,...

Look for alternatives to PayPal. They will steal $2500 of your money on the pretext that you have the wrong opinions
Gateway Pundit

Following a Surge of Online Calls to Close PayPal Account, Several Users are Reporting Closing Issues...

The Gateway Pundit reported on Saturday that PayPal will begin fining users $2,500 directly from their accounts if they are found to be spreading “misinformation” in its newly updated policy.

On September...

A Nation of Settlers - Not A Nation of Immigrants!
American Mind

When we consider the lie that America is a nation of immigrants, the really important question to ask is: how does this lie serve the regime? What’s the instrumental purpose of this lie? And I think, that, if we inquire a bit, it’s political purpose is clear. If we’re a nation of immigrants, fundamentally, then we are wrong...

Trump's Virtues
We are still in need of the qualities of great leadership.
American Mind

I regularly ask Republican politicians what they think of Donald Trump. The most frequent response is some version of, “I like his policies but don’t like the rest of him.” But this formulation gets it almost backwards. Although Trump advanced many important policies, it is the “rest of him” that contains the virtues that...

If Republicans Win On Tuesday, Thank The Election Integrity Movement
The Federalist

Against a hostile propaganda press, many Americans have poured themselves into restoring election integrity — and it’s working.

The Republican National Committee, other party entities, and dozens of public interest election nonprofit groups built over the last two years a multimillion-dollar election integrity...

New York Judge Rules that Continued Absentee Mail-In Voting Based on COVID is Unconstitutional
Gateway Pundit

A judge in New York ruled that the continued use of COVID as the excuse for using absentee ballots in elections is not constitutional.

The New York Post reported on this ruling out of the state:

Allowing New Yorkers to vote by mail due to fear of COVID-19 is unconstitutional, a state judge said Friday in a...

Democrat Policies Leading to Significant Increase in Crime and Inflation, Colorado’s Congressional Candidate Warns
Epoch Times

Colorado experienced an almost 70 percent increase in fatal fentanyl overdoses from 2020 to 2021, earning it the unenviable distinction of being in the top five states for fentanyl overdose deaths. It’s also currently the number one state for car thefts, and was number one for bank robberies in 2021—a crime driven by...

At Hillsdale, a College Education Is Still Possible
Epoch Times

The news pouring out of the nation’s colleges and universities is grim. Wokeness pervades every discipline. The non-left is being purged from both students and faculty. The vaccine mandate has been a useful tool in that respect. It gets rid of those willing to think for themselves.

Already long ago, the curriculum...

Biden Regime's 2022 Illegal Migration: 7 Migrants for Every 10 U.S. Births
Record 2.2 Million Migrants Apprehended Along Southwest Border During Last Year

... Joe Biden’s advisers have granted temporary legal status to roughly 30,000 Ethiopians now living in the United States.

The award of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) was announced Friday as Ethiopia’s government continues a disastrous war against a non-Ethiopian ethnic group in the Tigray region of the country...

Biden to Announce Release of 10-15 Million More Barrels from Emergency Oil Reserves Before Midterms
Strategic Reserve Lowest Since 1984 After Biden Drain

... Bloomberg News reports that the Biden administration plans to release another ten million to 15 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Biden’s latest decision marks more than 200 million barrels set for release in less than two years as president, more than all previous presidents combined...

Bidenflation: Americans Families $6K Poorer, Up from $4.2K

American families have lost $6,000 in annual wages thanks to President Joe Biden’s soaring inflation, a Heritage Foundation study revealed over the weekend.

The loss in wages represents a $1,800 increase from September, when American families had lost $4,200 in annual wages under Biden.

“People are just...

Judiciary needs sunlight; let’s start with how we pick judges
Complete Colorado

... With Democrats in the governor’s office for 40 of the last 48 years, the courts have become, well, a little incestuous.

It’s worth asking why the third branch gets so little attention in Colorado....

In a retention, voters are merely asked if they want to force a guy out of his job. The ballot question...

Hiding Hunter's Laptop
The American public was subjected to a campaign right out of the Soviet playbook designed to obfuscate the Biden family corruption.
American Greatness

... In the final months of the 2020 race an amazing revelation of corruption and actual crimes by Hunter and Joe Biden came to light. The New York Post ran an exposé of emails from a laptop abandoned by Hunter Biden at a repair shop. They showed evidence the Bidens were involved in taking money from foreign entities and...

Empowering Mexican Cartels With Biden’s Open Border...

Mexico’s paramilitary armies have an unprecedented amount of military-grade weaponry, paid for by millions of illegal border crossers.

Mexico is a war zone again. But anyone who believes that’s just Mexico’s problem, think again; American national interests are at unprecedented risk.

Cartels’ smuggling...

Jena Griswold unfit for office, voters should fire her in November

... Griswold has been the polar opposite.  She’s a hyper-partisan progressive activist who shortly after her election led a national boycott of Alabama in opposition to its abortion law, which has nothing to do with her duties. She’s also a serial liar. During her campaign in 2018 that unseated Williams, she falsely charged...

Growing to Understand Contemporary Germany and Weep
Lew Rockwell

... I had also come to understand West Germany, the BRD [West Germany, and after 1990 also the unified Germany]....

All political parties were united in sharing all basic elements of the Communist manifesto. There should be a central bank. There should be progressive taxation. There should be inheritance taxes. There...

Alex Jones and the Freedom of Speech

...  When the First Amendment was ratified, America was a bold experiment in personal liberty. Yet, the First Amendment only restrained Congress. After the Civil War amendments were added to the Constitution, the courts interpreted the 14th Amendment so as to apply the First Amendment to the states as well.


Media, Big Tech censored doctors, scientists who challenged COVID narrative
Censorship News

A groundbreaking new scientific paper published Tuesday exposes the suppression and censorship of doctors and medical experts who opposed and challenged the official COVID-19 narrative.

(Article by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. republished from

Published in the sociological journal...

Video: Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democrat Party

Leaving the Democratic Party - The Tulsi Gabbard Show:

The above video is also available on youtube... for now.


I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly...

FBI team involved in censorship of Hunter Biden laptop story identified
Epoch Times

The FBI team that was in communication with Facebook before the social media company censored the original Hunter Biden laptop story has been identified, according to a new court filing.

Meta, Facebook’s parent company, identified the team as the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF), according to an updated...

Biden to Import 65K Foreign Workers for Blue-Collar Jobs as 11.6 Million Americans Are Jobless

...  Joe Biden is set to import nearly 65,000 H-2B foreign visa workers to take blue-collar American jobs as roughly 11.6 million Americans remain jobless.

This week, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Labor Department announced that the administration would be allowing businesses to import a few less...

Record Number of Suspected Terrorists Crossed the U.S.-Mexico Border

... since April 2022, when U.S. Customs and Border Protection began publishing the monthly number of border crossers who were on the FBI's terrorism watch list, it has become impossible to ignore the record-breaking numbers of suspected terrorist crossings.

Final fiscal year 2022 numbers show Border Patrol apprehended...

The Secretary of State candidates in Colorado debated last night and voters lost
American Thinker

A pair of debates took place Tuesday night between the Democrat and Republican candidates for treasurer and secretary of state in Colorado.  It was held at the University of Denver....

Then Pam Anderson (R) – who was recently on the cover of Time Magazine -- and Secretary of State Jenna Griswold (D) came out to debate...

PILF Investigates: Colorado Secretary of State Admits to Sending 30,000 Noncitizens Postcards Explaining How to Register to Vote
Public Interest Legal Foundation

Last week, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold admitted to mailing postcards to roughly 30,000 non-citizens living in the state notifying them about how they could register to vote. The office said it is currently trying to determine what led to the error. Colorado is required to send out postcards to eligible but non-...

South African Farm Attacks In September: Eight Dead, Others Raped, Stabbed, And Beaten With Iron Rods

53-year-old Etienne du Toit was found bludgeoned to death on his farm in the Alkmaar area of Mpumalanga province, South Africa.

The victim was found  by his son. The victim had been attending to the farm’s water pumps...

A couple, both aged 52, were attacked in Tempelhof, Free State province.

The victims...

In September Jobs Armageddon, Immigrants Gain, Americans Lose; Displacement Hits All-Time High

...  September’s displacement is too big a story. It means that the Regime Media spin [Unemployment rate falls to 3.5% in September, payrolls rise by 263,000 as job market stays strong, by Jeff Cox, CNBC, October 7, 2022] is no longer a lie: it is a scandal....


    Immigrants (legal and illegal) gained 681,000...
A secret ballot system at Colorado’s statehouse is quietly killing bills and raising transparency concerns

Democrats who control the state legislature are increasingly using a survey they fill out in secret to help determine whether bills live or die. The results are kept from the public, raising questions about transparency and potential violations of the state’s sunshine law.

Each April, lawmakers click on a personalized...

Endless Amnesty Bill Drops, Seven Years For Any Alien To Avoid Not Mere Arrest, But Deportation

The Democrats have dropped a new amnesty plan, at least this time it comes from Congress, to create an ongoing amnesty for all illegal aliens, including criminal aliens, welfare cheats, and terrorists. Through one simple trick of making all aliens eligible for the amnesty, provided they consider themselves “long-term...

FBI Offered British Spy Christopher Steele $1 MILLION To Corrborate Russian Hoax Dossier
This is beyond corrupt. This is treason.
Geller Report

We are in uncharted waters here, my fellow Americans. This is beyond corrupt. This is treason.

FBI intel analyst tells Durham agency offered Steele $1M to corroborate dossier

Revelation emerged Tuesday in federal trial of Russian information analyst Igor Danchenko, who is charged with lying to the FBI.


Colorado 'incorrectly' sends 30,000 voter registration notices to noncitizens
Washington Examiner

Colorado's top election official says 30,000 voter registration notices were sent to noncitizens — accidentally.

Democratic Secretary of State Jena Griswold's office blamed the error on a glitch, saying the mix-up occurred when department employees compared a list of 102,000 names provided by the Electronic...

Unconscionable: CDC Recommends Adding COVID-19 Vaccines to Childhood Immunization Schedule…
Epoch Times

Advisers to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Oct. 20 recommended adding COVID-19 vaccines to the child and adolescent immunization schedules, despite the vaccines still being under emergency authorization for some children.

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) cast the...

Hands Around Parliament for Julian Assange
Consortium News

The total destruction of Julian Assange as a demonstration of the untrammeled hegemonic power of the United States is very much the aim of the political establishment....

It is more important than ever that we stand up for human rights, freedom of speech and the right to oppose U.S. military hegemony and expose its...

Is 'Our Democracy' Failing Our Country?

Forced constantly by the establishment to choose between them, patriotic Americans may one day come to choose, as did their fathers, the country they love over the crown that rules them....

The crisis today for those who incessantly proclaim, “Our democracy is in danger,” is that millions of patriots are coming to see...

Google Earth Walkthrough Further Exposes FBI’s Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Hoax

When the CIA helped Google acquire the Keyhole satellite imagery software in 2004 now known as Google Earth, the CIA probably did not imagine it would one day be used by independent journalists to rebut dubious assertions put forward by the Justice Department and the FBI....

Using the 3D “street view” software...

Video: Enjoy Columbus Day While You Still Can
American Renaissance

[Originally posted October 13, 2019]

Google / youtube has censored American Renaissance:

Jared Taylor of American Renaissance explains that replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day implies that whites should never have come to America. But the whole word wants to immigrate because white people...

The case for a ‘no’ on all judges, all the time
Complete Colorado

... We don’t elect judges in Colorado. That is, they don’t run as Republicans or Democrats. This is likely a good thing, though sometimes I wonder. It would at least give voters some sense as to their ideological leaning.

Judges here are appointed by the governor. And given that for 40 of the last 48 years we’ve had...

The Never-Ending Persecution Of Jack Phillips
You have no legal ‘right’ to compel others to say things they don’t believe.

... For the past decade, the media and lawyers and judges and leftists have misrepresented Phillips’ position. No, the baker never turned a gay couple away from his shop. Or a transgender person. Or anyone else. No, he never refused to sell anyone a wedding cake ...

After years of fiscal hardship, Phillips finally won...

Parks and Devastation
How wokeness is destroying America’s national parks.
American Mind

I was at Glacier National Park...

On the signboard at the station, one side displayed some limited information on open trails and road conditions. The other had (out-of-date) news from the Department of the Interior,...

Here was the department news that Glacier wished to highlight:

First, an article...

Zombie DACA Killed Again, But Stumbles On Like The Animated Undead

The manifestly illegal and unconstitutional Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was, once again, pronounced an illegal and unconstitutional action. But like a zombie, it continues to stagger on animated only by a seaming fear in judiciary to give it the coup de grâce that it so richly deserves. Long ago heroic...

‘Implicit Bias’ Training Cost Me My Nursing Job
States are forcing medical professionals to make false confessions of racism. I refused to go along.

I was fired from my nursing job this year for refusing to take “implicit bias” training. After 39 years of providing equal care to all my patients without regard to their race, I objected to a mandatory course grounded in the idea that I’m racist because I’m white. I fear every healthcare professional will soon be forced to...

Slouching Toward Endgame

Since “Joe Biden” flat-out promised last February to “bring an end to the Nord Stream pipeline” — and let’s assume he meant both NS 1 and 2 — why seek further to unravel a fake mystery?...

The purpose of the act was likewise simple, plain, and obvious: to foreclose any possibility of Germany negotiating a separate...

Why Is No One Discussing the 25th Amendment for Biden?

... Biden called for the late Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN) to appear during a live event on hunger and nutrition Wednesday. Walorski was killed in a car accident last month, and Biden had previously called her family to offer condolences.

Though the White House attempted to spin his faux pas as a mere sign that...

Colorado's governor sure likes to pretend he's a libertarian
American Thinker

... On his campaign website, Polis claims to be "expanding our freedoms" in Colorado.  Recently, Reason Magazine published a story that claimed that Polis might be the most libertarian governor in America.

 Apparently, John Caldera, president of I.I., finds that claim very funny, hence the party in honor of Polis....

The Real Threat To U.S. National Security: Mexico Is a Failed State

... for nearly two decades, the Mexican government has been losing a brutal drug war against drug cartels, which are not only smuggling tons of deadly narcotics and other drugs across the border, but also establishing cartel branches into American cities....

The cartels routinely outgun security forces, and have...

The Italian leader refused to do as she was ordered, and won!

Fox News host Tucker Carlson reacts to the election of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’


Worth watching: Here is a two minute video of Giorgia Meloni in which she exhibits the pro-family, pro-nationalist values.


‘Absolutely Fake News’: Even Liberal...

Surprise! Hispanic Americans want border control
Poll: 52% of Hispanics believe the government is not doing enough to reduce border crossings
Washington Times

... Among Republicans, Rep. Mayra Flores symbolizes a new breed of Hispanic officeholders who stand for stricter border enforcement. Ms. Flores, who won a special election in June to represent the 34th Congressional district in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, is the first Republican to represent her area in 150 years, and...

America Delira
American Delira

Travel abroad and or talk to pro-American foreigners here, and you will be surprised at what they say. It is not boilerplate anti-Americanism of the usual cheap Euro style. And their keen criticism is not just that we are $30 trillion in debt, dependent on China, with a corrupt elite, or have gone insane inventing the most...

This is an atrocity – NordStream attacked by the U.S.?

Tucker Carlson’s Monologue On The Foreign Policy Consequences Of The Breaching Of The Nordstream Pipelines, The Likelihood That They Were Sabotaged And Who May Be Responsible.


Pres. Biden: "If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it."

Reporter: "...

Demographics: How Civilizations Will Be Decided
Gatestone Institute

Fewer babies will be born in all of Europe than in Nigeria alone.

More than half the increase of the global population projected by 2050 will be concentrated in just eight countries, mostly in Africa, according to The Economist: Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and Tanzania. Nigeria...

Biden Inflation May Cost Average US Family Extra $11,500 This Year
Epoch Times

Americans are set to pay an extra $11,500 this year if they want to enjoy the same standard of living they maintained in 2020, according to new estimates from NerdWallet....

Analysts said 2020 was the “last full year when inflation was relatively stable.” In that year, the U.S. inflation rate was 1.23 percent.


Shocking numbers: unprecedented impact of illegal immigration into America
Daily Mail UK

... it's sickening, but here we are....

This week, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at long last released statistics from August showing the stark numbers: More than 2.15 million encounters with immigrants [illegal aliens] on the southern border, between October 2021 and August 2022.

The full reporting...

How the gospel of open borders took over the Democrat Party
New York Post

By the end of his first term two years from now... Biden may have released 3 or 4 million (maybe even 5 million) illegal immigrants [illegal aliens] into the United States. Some of them will apply for asylum... but the large majority won’t do any of these things. Under Biden, these millions will just be allowed to stay...

Biden Regime: 3 Migrants for Every 4 U.S. Births

... Biden’s border policy has invited 1.15 million migrants across the border since October 2021, despite the continued anti-epidemic Title 42 border barrier, according to data released by the Department of Homeland Security.

The 1.15 million economic migrants were allowed to cross the border under a series of legal...

Biden Regime Fears Border Treason Will Define Midterms. GOP/GAP Must Propose Impeachment Now
Over 2 million illegals apprehended in 2022. Does that sound like a secure border to you?

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ hilarious Martha’s Vineyard massacre of Ruling Class hypocrisy on illegal immigration is just the start: The Biden Regime can’t admit the truth about the illegal immivasion because it deliberately caused it for Great Replacement reasons. Thus when NBC’s Chuck Todd noted recently that more than...

A Lawsuit Exposes the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Lies
Front Page magazine

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Twenty-one years ago, Dustin Inman, a sixteen year old boy, lost his life to a Mexican illegal alien. That alien is still a wanted fugitive. Under the...

Martha’s Vineyard Crisis in Perspective: 15k Haitian Illegal Aliens Entered Del Rio in One Day

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) put some much-needed perspective on the influx of migrants into Martha’s Vineyard this week, noting that 15,000 illegal immigrants [illegal aliens] from Haiti entered Del Rio, Texas, in a single day.

Ever since Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) flew 50 migrants to the wealthy liberal enclave of Martha...

Biden Regime Collapses the Public - Private Distinction
Merging the state and the corporate sphere into one disfigured blob, historically speaking, is a hallmark of actual fascism.
American Greatness

... The findings unveiled include the revelation that Facebook and the Biden Administration arranged weekly and monthly phone calls to discuss what Facebook should be censoring....

Other emails confirm that Biden Administration actors and agencies as wide-ranging as the surgeon general, the Department of the Treasury...

It’s the Midnight Hour: Saving America Now Requires Ruthless Offense
Congress should defund most federal agencies, investigate and refer charges, and create rapid offense comms teams. States should block federal agencies from ope
American Greatness

... This new threat, which has been germinating its poisonous fruit for decades in the darkened earth of sheltered universities, federal agencies, and media newsrooms has erupted into such full and ugly view today that it cannot be met and defeated, or even retarded, with any of our normal methods....

The hour is...

National Institute of Heath Adds Ivermectin to List of Covid Treatment
Geller Report

How many Americans died because they were denied this life saving treatment? Funny how the Biden regime could keep ivermectin out of reach of sick Americans while flooding the streets with Fentanyl.

Suddenly Ivermectin shows up on the NIH website for treating Covid. After years of denial, blocking, interference,...

Great Replacement Update—New Mexico: High Court Removes Citizenship Requirement To Practice Law

New Mexico’s Supreme Court has officially joined the Treason Lobby to help forward the Great Replacement. On August 19, the court officially declared that lawyers needn’t be citizens to practice law. Predicted result: They will argue cases before the U.S. Supreme Court on birthright citizenship or major immigration cases...

Democrat Defeats Palin in Alaska: Rank Choice Voting and Mail-in Ballots
Gateway Pundit

Democrat Mary Peltola defeated Sarah Palin in the Alaska Special election to replace Rep. Don Young in Congress.

She is the FIRST DEMOCRAT to win the House seat in solid red Alaska in 50 Years!

Rank choice voting and mail-in ballots were implemented by referendum in 2020.

The Gateway Pundit previously...

Biden Demonizes Trump Supporters in Unhinged Prime Time Diatribe
‘MAGA Forces’ Are ‘a Threat to this Country;’ ‘Fanning Flames of Violence’
American Greatness

In a prime time speech to the nation Thursday night, Joe Biden targeted about half of the citizens in the United States with an unhinged message of condemnation, calling those who support former President Donald Trump “MAGA forces” who are a “threat to this country.”

The Biden White House has sharpened its attacks...

Biden's Lawless Border of Horrors: Rape Trees, Pregnant 12-year-olds, Drowned Babies, Organ Harvesting
One America News

Republican women toured the southern border guided by Winning for Women and POLARIS National Security – exposed to shocking realities media and politicians lack the stomach to face.

24 hours after White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted migrants were NOT “walking across the border” a group of...

January 6 Clients Are Being Tortured
American Greatness

A lawyer for several of the January 6 political prisoners says his clients are being “tortured” by a system of “anarcho-tyranny” that considers them to be a “subhuman, sub-constitutional class of people.” In an interview this week, Joseph D. McBride said he is building a case to sue the federal government for millions of...

1,100 Scientists and Professionals Declare: 'There Is No Climate Emergency'
Epoch Times

More than 1,100 scientists and professionals worldwide have signed a World Climate Declaration (WCD) stating that there is no climate emergency.

The independent foundation Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL) issued the one-page summary on June 27, 2022, garnering 1,152 total signatures in 15 countries as of Aug. 23.

'Selection Code' - Likely Colorado Voting Machine Tampering

... Documentaries continue to come out exposing very troubling discrepancies, including “Selection Code” which just came out this month. It features the experience of former Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters, who started digging into why her red county in Colorado, 65% Republican and 35% Democrat, suddenly swung to...

President Trump statement on FBI election fraud
Citizen Free Press

DONALD J. TRUMP @realDonaldTrump:

So now it comes out, conclusively, that the FBI BURIED THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY BEFORE THE ELECTION  knowing that, if they didn't, "Trump would have easily won the 2020 Presidential Election."  This is massive FRAUD & ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before in our...

Democrat-Linked Group Claims 96,000 Extra Immigrant Voters in Georgia

A Democrat-backed group claims to have naturalized almost 100,000 legal immigrants in Georgia before the November elections....

The naturalization includes many Indians, who are one of the most pro-diversity, pro-Democratic immigrant blocs. “The number of newly naturalized citizens originally from India, 11,188, is...

Biden's Student Loan 'Forgiveness' Is Unjust, Cynical Abuse of Power

"No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law." That's what it says right there in the Constitution. And yet, without any legislation, President Joe Biden now promises to "cancel" up to $10,000 in student loans per borrower ($20,000 for Pell Grant borrowers), limited to those...

Republicans Don’t Get It
American Greatness

... As I explained here, not only did [Mitch] McConnell intentionally leave the Capitol largely unguarded [on January 6], he warned of the irreparable damage to the republic if his Senate Republican colleagues demanded an audit of contested states—the "official proceeding" actually taking place when the building was breached...

Democracy vs "Our Democracy"
American Mind

When the Democrats talk about “their” political system, believe them....

... Hillary Clinton posted an interview on Twitter with the Financial Times... in which she declared that “We are standing on the precipice of losing our Democracy.” The word “Our” seemed to be doing a lot of work in Hillary’s formulation.......

Open Borders Ireland: 120,000-Strong Migrant Surge Drives Record Population Growth

A surge in the number of migrants entering Ireland has resulted in it seeing its highest population growth since the 2008 banking crash.

A wave of over 120,000 migrants has resulted in Ireland seeing its largest yearly population growth since the 2008 banking crash, official statistics published on Wednesday have...

Violent Crime Rocks Sweden Ahead of Elections
Gatestone Institute

For the first time, crime tops the list of voters' most important concerns in the run-up to the elections.

Of the more than 8,200 people the Swedish police counted as being members of criminal gangs by late 2021, almost 15% were under the age of 18.

Sweden has in just two generations gone from being one...

Biden Lied, Americans Died
Congressional report exposes Biden's Afghanistan lies.
FrontPage Mag

While Biden's panicked evacuation from Afghanistan was going on, it had failed so badly that staffers from his own wife’s office were contacting private rescue groups to get people out.

This is one of the many damning revelations in the report by Rep. McCaul for the Republican minority on the House Foreign Affairs...

4.9 Million Illegal Aliens Crossed US Border in 18 Months Since Biden Took Office
Epoch Times

Nearly 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed U.S. borders in the 18 months since President Joe Biden took office, according to a new report.

A total of 4.9 million illegal aliens, including some 900,000 “gotaways” who evaded apprehension and have since disappeared into American communities, have entered the...

America Never Existed
It will be as if America never existed.
American Greatness

It is possible (not certain, but possible) that within the next 20 years or so, the United States will no longer exist. 

That would be a great setback for human liberty. The end of the American republic would most likely mean the end of self-government all over the globe—the beginning of a new dark age... More than...

CDC and The Meaning of Incredible
Burning Platform

The CDC seems to think nobody will notice its crimes, and the crimes of its sister agencies, FDA, NIAID, NIH, (and the White House Task Force) if it strolls jauntily into the fall season whistling a happy a tune: Nevermind Covid anymore, la la la…. Did I say crimes? Yes, I did. As in gross violations of the law and the basic...

Something Is Looming Geopolitically, And We Better Start Taking It Seriously
Zero Hedge

As a result of western governments’ taking collective action under the auspices of a ‘climate change’ agenda, we are on the cusp of something happening with ramifications that no one has ever seen before.

Western governments’, specifically western Europe, North America (U.S-Canada) and Australia/New Zealand, are...

July Was A Big American Worker Displacement Month
But You Wouldn’t Know It From The Regime Media

The central point to grasp from the July jobs data, unreported as far as we can see by anyone except, is that ALL the job growth went to immigrants (legal and illegal, the government—disgracefully—does not distinguish). Also, real a.k.a. inflation-adjusted wages fell, and the Biden Rush at the southern border...

Census Bureau Admits Overcounting 7 Blue States, Just 1 Red State
Epoch Times

In a shocking report, the U.S. Census Bureau recently admitted that it overcounted the populations of eight states and undercounted the populations of six states in the 2020 census.

All but one of the states overcounted is a blue state, and all but one of the undercounted states is red.

Those costly errors will...
