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US Supreme Court Spanks Colorado
SCOTUS Unanimous: States Can’t Boot Trump From Ballot

Colorado cannot disqualify former President Donald Trump from appearing on the 2024 ballot, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday.

In a historic ruling, the Supreme Court said only Congress can disqualify a candidate from the ballot using the Fourteenth Amendment’s “Insurrection Clause,” overturning a 4-3...

Free press under fire
Steve Baker's battle ... and ours
The Blaze

This is the type of journalist America needs right now. This is the kind of man America needs right now.

Steve Baker is an investigative reporter for Blaze News. He's been working on investigating the holes in the narrative of what happened on January 6... And on Friday morning, he turned himself in to the FBI. They...

Tucker Carlson with Bret Weinstein at the Darien Gap - recommended video

Tucker Carlson has produced an eminently important interview with evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein who traveled to the Darien Gap in the Pan American Highway in Panama to witness the migration / invasion of illegal aliens from all over the world to America - including large numbers of invaders from China.

This in...

Colorado Democrats Block Legislation Punishing Child Sex Traffickers - Suggest Criminals Are Also Victims
Zero Hedge

While conservative states like Florida have passed legislation to institute the death penalty for criminals guilty of child sexual abuse and child trafficking, it's becoming more and more difficult in blue states to punish pedophiles at all. No other issue so fully reflects the growing rift between the political left and...

The Democrats' Long Game for 2030 Census
American Thinker

... Take the next decennial census in 2030, as an example. That may seem distant, but if the next party to occupy the White House serves two terms, it will occur in that second term. If a younger Democrat replaces Biden on the ticket, as many are speculating, then that person could be in a position to influence the next...

Stunning 10 Million Illegals Have Entered US Under Biden - Harris
Tucker Warns They Are "Destroying" The Country

A record 7.3 million illegal aliens have crossed the southwest border under... Biden's watch, a number which according to Fox greater than the population of 36 individual states.

That figure is sourced from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which has already reported 961,537 Southwest land border...

Denver to Furlough Workers to Hire Illegal Alienss
Hot Air

No, it's not a joke.

The City of Denver has informed workers that it may be furloughing them--technically still employing them at 0 hours of work--to illegally hire illegal aliens without work permits.

You can't make this s**t up.

Denver Government May Furlough Its...

Election Jihad: Islamic Groups are Hijacking Our Elections
Front Page Magazine

[Front Page Magazine editor’s note: “Election Jihad” is a new report from the David Horowitz Freedom Center that exposes how Islamic political machines are transforming American legislatures state by state. And what we can do about it. order it here.]

... The response in state legislatures to the Hamas Islamic terror...

9 Ways The Feds Are Using 'Bidenbucks' To Rig The 2024 Election
The Federalist

Joe Biden is using taxpayer money to run a highly partisan get-out-the-vote operation designed to rig the 2024 election in Democrats’ favor.

Nearly three years have passed since President Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14019, an overreaching directive aimed at inserting the federal government into state election...

Cities Across U.S. See Surge of Violent Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens
American Greatness

A rash of horrific crimes committed by illegal immigrants [illegal alien invaders] across the country in the past few weeks has many Americans on edge. While most illegal aliens come to the United States seeking a better life, the massive increase in illegal immigration under the Biden Regime has brought with it an increase...

Trudeau Wants to Criminalize Words with Canadian Hate Speech Bill
and no one is safe from his wrath
Rebel News

On Monday, the Trudeau Liberals tabled Bill C-63, An Act to enact the Online Harms Act, in Parliament to protect Canadians from accessing 'harmful content' online.

It claims benevolence but ultimately crushes our freedoms to protect Canadians from a 'far-right' boogeyman...

Ultimately, Trudeau's censorship law...

How Progressive Policies are Designed for Civilizational Suicide
American Greatness

Evidence now clearly establishes that moderate liberals should face reality and reject the policies of the progressive vanguard, leading them to civilizational suicide...

... it is understandable that many are inclined to believe that our country’s current serious problems are, once again, merely the failed result of...

The Causes of the Latest Border Crisis, and How to Fix It
American Affairs Journal

How did illegal immigration along the U.S.-Mexico border become the mess that it is? U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) encounters with migrants averaged under 600,000 in fiscal years 2010-20, but tripled in fiscal 2021, the year Biden took office, to a record of nearly 1.9 million, and reached 3.2 million in fiscal 2023...

'Biden created this illegal migrant invasion and only I can stop it' - Donald Trump
Daily Mail

[Originally published 29 February 2024.]

Today, I am visiting our wide-open Southern border to witness the annihilation of American sovereignty being carried out at Joe Biden's orders.

In a last-minute trip, Biden is chasing me to the border, no doubt desperate to shirk blame for the catastrophe he has caused...

Video: far worse than 9/11 and they are hiding it

Elon Musk says what the Biden administration is doing at the U.S. border is worse than the 9/11 attacks. New documents reveal the Biden administration has been flying illegal immigrants to different parts of the country but they won't reveal where! This is an invasion pure and simple.



Concealed carry keeps growing in Colorado; over twenty-five thousand new permits in 2023
Complete Colorado

... While majority Democrats in the state legislature push for new restrictions on the lawful carrying of concealed handguns, new data shows 25,218 Colorado adults subjected themselves to the scrutiny already required to become new concealed handgun permit (CHP) holders in 2023, while another 36,291 renewed existing permits...

If This Is 'Christian Nationalism,' Sign Me Up!
The Federalist

The other day, Politico writer Heidi Przybyla appeared on MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes” to talk about the hysteria de jour, “Christian nationalism.”... What makes “Christian nationalists” different, she went on, was that they believe “our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don’t come from any earthly authority.”...

South Africa as an Unintended Example
Not the lessons they want us to learn
The Neo-Ciceronian Times

... The Powers That Be trying to use Great Replacement immigration to recreate South African demographic conditions in the USA and other Western countries.

If you rely on the mainstream media for your news, then the chances are that you never even heard about the events in South Africa that took place roughly three...

The End of Assimilation
Americn Thinker

America's open borders have put huge strains on our social services, schools, and police departments, let alone facilitating drug addiction and human sex-trafficking. Donald Trump has promised to shut the door on day one of his administration, but even if Trump is elected, the damage will continue for decades...


No Borders? No America
The Burning Platform

Americans had better act soon, with or without Congress and with or without the Border Patrol to stop the current flood of illegal invaders across our Southern Border, because the Biden regime has no intention of ever stopping the invasion. To wait and ponder the crisis in the hopes that Donald Trump can stop it, if he wins...

The Heroic Julian Assange

Julian Assange may soon be extradited to the United States, where he will face prosecution that could end in his imprisonment for life. He is in fact a hero, who should be honored rather than punished. American foreign policy is based on the pursuit of global hegemony and to achieve this goal, our “leaders” engage in torture...

George Soros Buying Hundreds of Radio Stations Ahead of 2024 Election
Gateway Pundit

George Soros, the left’s favorite billionaire, is buying up American radio stations by the hundreds, ahead of the 2024 election.

This is obviously part of a strategy, because that’s what Soros does. He hatches backdoor plans to exert influence over American politics. A few years back, he pumped a ton of cash into...

The Project to Make Europe Islamic
Augustin Goland
American Renaissance

... Today, the Turkish president has proven ties to the Muslim Brotherhood...

In 1982, the brotherhood drew up a 14-page, 12-point strategy to "establish an Islamic government on earth."... “The Muslim Brotherhood aims to create a worldwide Islamic state. We Muslims immigrate everywhere, and there’s still a long way...

Illegals Nation: A 'great replacement' beginning to unfold?
American Thinker

Up until now, I'd always thought the 'great replacement' theory to remove the current Western electorate and replace them with third-world illegal migrants was some nutty fringe-right conspiracy theory. 

The idea has been roundly denounced by the establishment as racist, although the French novelist who invented the...

Why are there RINOs but no DINOs?
Rocky Mountain Voice

Democrats don’t trash their own party members for being “insufficiently” woke, a Socialist or a leftist, while Republicans routinely dismember their own party members for being “insufficiently” Conservative, anti-tax, anti-abortion and so on.

Republicans attacking their fellow GOPers as Republicans in Name Only (RINO...

More recruits for Joe Biden's army of illegal voters - video

More "recruits" for Joe Biden's army of illegal voters. No women, no children, all military-age males.

He's ushered millions of them into our heartland, a cancer that will metastasize until the America we know is dead.

More "recruits" for Joe Biden's army of illegal voters. No...

World Rallies Around Julian Assange - Calls From US Congress To Drop Prosecution
Mass Protests and Calls From US Congress To Drop Prosecution

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was in a London court Tuesday to appeal being extradited to the U.S. where he faces espionage charges.

Outside the U.K. courthouse, hundreds of people gathered in support of the free-speech political prisoner.

Assange has been fighting against being extradited to America for...

Pakistan Proves Mass Deportation Possible: 500k Afghans Ejected in 4 Months
National Pulse

Pakistan has removed half a million Afghans from its territory in just four months, with most of them self-deporting after the government in Islamabad threatened to arrest people without legal status en masse.

An estimated 1.7 million Afghans were living in Pakistan illegally before the authorities announced a...

How the US and UN Are Funding the Border Crisis
The Biden regime gave the UN migration agency nearly $1.3 billion in 2023, which it uses to help migrants on their journey to enter the US illegally
Epoch Times

The United States is bankrolling its own “invasion” by funding the United Nations and its partners, which, in turn, give hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and aid to migrants who eventually cross the U.S. southern border illegally.

While the U.N. has aided migrants for decades, the scope of its operation has...

House Impeaches Mayorkas In Historic Vote
Zero Heddge

Exactly a week after a failed attempt, the House has impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, under whose tenure more than 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the US - doubling the existing population of migrants...

Mayorkas was accused of demonstrating a "willful and systemic refusal to comply...

Without Mass Deportations, America's Demographics Shift Will Result In Radical Politics
Democrats understand that the short-term backlash for our open borders is just the cost for a long-term payoff in maintaining power.
The Federalist

...the reality is that for the "open borders" Democrat Party, everything is going according to plan...

The Democrat Party is well on its way to fundamentally changing America's demographics, all to secure what they believe will eventually become an unbeatable coalition of new voters. To understand the progress they've...

64 Ways the Biden Regime Opened America's Borders to the World’s Migrants

Since... Biden took office in late January 2021, his Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has worked tirelessly to transform the United States-Mexico border into a European-style checkpoint where border crossers and illegal aliens are briefly detained before being released into American cities and towns.


Trump likely won the 2020 election after all
Blaze Media

After extensive analysis using raw survey data coupled with mail-in vote totals, we concluded that mail-in voter fraud almost certainly changed the 2020 election outcome in all six crucial swing states...

In reality, the 2020 election was most likely marred by widespread mail-in voting fraud. And even worse, the...

Top Ten Times Biden Regime Acted Like a Dictator
Glenn Beck Lists the Top Ten Times That Joe Biden Has Acted Like a Dictator
Gateway Pundit

... Joe Biden has actually acted like a dictator at least ten times and Glenn Beck recently laid out the examples in a thread on Twitter/X...

Time and time again... Biden has acted like the dictator that the Left keeps insisting Trump was and will be again. Here are just my top 10 moments :

- Glenn Beck (@...

American Totalitarian Crypto Dollar May Come Before Election
Brownstone Institute

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) threaten to replace the cash we use with programmable, trackable, and censorable tokens controlled by governments. Your financial choices could be suppressed, and privacy eliminated. Based on what I’ve learned and experienced directly, this could happen before the 2024 election. The...

Nationalism Wins: Reflections on the Carlson - Putin Interview

Every minute of the Tucker Carlson - Vladimir Putin interview is worth watching, even the last 10 minutes on Ukraine. The interview brings to light the deep hostility of the US State Department toward Russia since the collapse of the USSR.

The interview demonstrates that culture and nationalism matter.


Do Leftists Now Believe Leftism Doesn’t Work?
In 2024 - an election year - the left is trying to undo what it created without explaining why and what they did to us and themselves as well.
American Greatness

It is hard to destroy a naturally beautiful city like San Francisco, with ideal weather and stunning infrastructure inherited from far better earlier generations.

Yet San Francisco continues its much-publicized and self-inflicted doom loop... The city is eroding... because of what San Franciscans have done to San...

Democrats Care Most About Undocumented Americans
Gateway Pundit

Democrat Senator Chris Murphy said the quiet part out loud on MSNBC on Wednesday night. Murphy told Chris Hayes the "strategy" on immigration "has failed to deliver for the people we care about most, the undocumented Americans that are in this country."

There you have it.

Chris Hayes: The negotiation didn't...

RINO Ken Buck (R-CO) Folds on Mayorkas Impeachment

The House of Representatives let Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas off the hook for the border crisis created under his watch in a historic 216-214 vote against impeachment.

Reps. Ken Buck (R-CO) and Tom McClintock (R-CA) announced before the vote they would vote against impeachment. They were joined...

The U.N.'s Long History of Failure
The "cockpit in the tower of Babel"
Front Page Mag

No one should be shocked or surprised by the news that some United Nations Relief Works Agency staff directly participated in the heinous savagery of Hamas' attack on Israel on October 7.

According to Israeli intelligence, AJC reports, "six UNRWA workers were part of the wave of terrorists who breached the Gaza-Israel...

The United States of Allah: It Happened in My Neighborhood, Yours Is Next
PJ Media

When I was a kid growing up in the Warrendale section of Detroit in the 1970s, the Polish presence was everywhere. Warren Avenue was "the Strip" of our turf, and it was littered with family businesses with difficult names like the Jarzembowski Funeral Home...

Many of the kids' grandparents lived in a nearby Polish...

Trust E-Verify
Critics warned that Florida’s crackdown on illegal aliens would crater the state’s economy. They were wrong.
City Journal

Florida progressives made many dire predictions before the state’s tough new immigration law took effect on July 1, 2023. They claimed that critical industries would face massive labor shortfalls, bringing soaring prices and perhaps even food shortages. Left-wing think tanks warned that Florida’s workforce would plummet by...

The Discovery of Civilization
Lew Rockwell

The Biden regime is importing millions of illegal alien invaders who have negligible exposure to America's principles of Constitutional government and cohesive societal trust. They come here for economic gain and for taxpayer-paid freebies. Unless mass immigration is halted and invaders are deported, America will be quickly...

Trump or Bust
American Thinker

In nine months, America will be holding an election for the ages...

... If it looks like Donald Trump is running away with the election, expect a false flag event to postpone or cancel the election...Or some other excuse to invoke martial law and lockdowns for "public safety." How about those millions of migrants,...

The United States is Facing a New and Imminent Danger
Legal Insurrection

... The threat we call out today is new and unfamiliar. In its modern history the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland and, yet, one is unfolding now. Military aged men from across the globe, many from countries or regions not friendly to the United States, are landing in waves on our soil by the thousands -...

Denver is Collapsing Under the Weight of the Migrant Crisis
Hot Air

As Congress and the White House continue to grapple over a completely unnecessary and disastrous "deal" over the border, the Biden border crisis continues unabated...

NBC News is reporting that the situation in Denver has become increasingly dire... with a population a little over 700,000, but it has become one of...

Our Democracy™: The Democratic Weaponization of Government
The Need for Decentralization
American Greatness

The Constitution aimed to limit the power and reach of government; its rival aims to make government triumph everywhere.

Reading Matt Taibbi's summary how the Democrats weaponized the government against Donald Trump, starting before the election of 2016 and proceeding right up to the present moment, I am reminded once...

Our Open Border Policy Is Not an Accident
If American voters don't like what you are offering, import better voters

The unprecedented chaos at the U.S. border and in major American cities that has been caused by the Biden administration's immigration policies finally seems to have moved to the center of national political debate and public awareness.

Over the past three years, the Biden administration has effectively rewritten U.S...

25 years after Venezuela elected Hugo Chavez, 5 lessons for the U.S.
American Thinker

Twenty-five years ago, far-left socialist Hugo Chavez assumed Venezuela's presidency, lawfully elected and sworn in on Feb. 2, 1999, after an up-and-down career as a restive army office involved in a coup d'etat...

Once in. it didn't take long for Chavez to turn his once-prosperous country into a socialist hellhole...

What is a Culture?
Is Cynical Mass Illegal Immigration Being Deployed Against our National US Culture?

... I hate, hate, hate my half hour of being a second-class citizen trapped in these [taxi] drivers’ cabs. I hate being treated, for that short length of time, the way women are treated in the societies that produce the men who think these behaviors are fine...

It is an arduous achievement; a consensus, of a whole...

DEI: 'Deport every illegal' - video
Sky News Australiac

'Deport every illegal': Sky News host proposes new DEI slogan.

Sky News host James Morrow has proposed a new DEI slogan for the Republicans as illegal immigration becomes a major issue heading into the presidential election...

"This immigration issue is shaping up to be a big issue in the US presidential...

Corporate Media and Big Tech Interfered in the 2020 Election
'Breaking the News' Provides Undeniable Proof

Before a single vote was cast, the 2020 election was baked into the cake. America's political and media establishment were not going to let what happened to them in 2016 happen again.

Don’t take my word for it. TIME Magazine published an article in February of 2021 called "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign...

Europeans Will Succumb To Islam - Former Top German Spy Issues New Warning
Gulf Insider

Germany's former top domestic spy chief, Hans-Georg Maaßen, said in a new interview that Europe is facing an unprecedented crisis due to mass immigration, that Islam is well poised to conquer Europe, and that Germany and Austria could do much to stop the crisis but are choosing not to.

"A completely different culture...

Biden Regime Parole Amnesty - Over ONE MILLION Illegally Paroled

The latest numbers are out on the Biden Regime Parole Amnesty, the illegal use of the parole authority in the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended, authorizing the temporary entry of aliens for a limited time and purpose, on a case-by-case basis, and requiring their departure once the purpose of parole is completed. ...

Damning New Evidence Surfaces In FBI’s January 6 Pipe Bomb Story
Secret Service Foreknowledge or Criminal Negligence?

Tucker Carlson: It seems likely that government officials were involved in planting pipe bombs in Washington, DC three years ago, as part of an effort to keep Donald Trump from running for president again. Darren Beattie has details:

It seems likely that government officials were...

Canada is buckling under record immigration

Population growth used to be determined by birth rates. But in the infertile West, it’s increasingly immigration policy which makes the difference... During his eight years in office, the Canadian Prime Minister has pursued a recklessly liberal immigration policy.

According to a report this week from the National Bank...

Denver Hospital at Point of Collapse Due to Illegal Immigrants
Hot Air

... Denver isn’t exactly flooded by illegal immigrants [illegal aliens] by today’s standards. Only 36,000 have come through the city in the past couple of years, out of the 8-12 million Biden has been letting flood through the southern border.

Yet still the city’s health care system is on the brink of collapse. Denver...

You Should Rethink Flying United Airlines

In 2021, United Airlines released the following statement:

"Our flight deck should reflect the diverse group of people on board our planes every day. That's why we plan for 50% of the 5,000 pilots we train in the next decade to be women or people of color."

In the past few weeks, a 2021 interview with United...

Abbott: Texas Has A Constitutional Right To Defend Its Sovereignty

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a statement on Wednesday asserting that the Lone Star State has a constitutional right to defend its sovereignty in the wake of an invasion facilitated by... Biden's open border policies...

According to the Washington Examiner, more than 10 million illegal immigrants [illegal alien...

Is the Electoral Fix Already In?
Democrats unveil plans for America's first lawfare election
Racket News

The fix is in. To "protect democracy," democracy is already being canceled. We just haven't admitted the implications of this to ourselves yet...

Since Joe Biden's team "leaked" a strategy memo in late December listing "Trump is an existential threat to democracy" as Campaign 2024's central talking point, surrogates...

America First Legal and PLLC File Amicus Brief at Supreme Court
to Defend President Trump’s Right to
America First Legal

Today, America First Legal (AFL) and Boyden Gray PLLC filed a brief in the Supreme Court of the United States on behalf of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Majority Leader Steve Scalise, and 177 other members of Congress to defend Donald J. Trump’s right to remain on the Colorado ballot. 

The Colorado Supreme Court issued an...

Oregon Supreme Court Upholds Democrat Decision to Block 10 Republicans From Running for Reelection
Geller Report

You thought it would end with Trump? Taking out Trump was just the beginning. Trump was casus belli in the Democrat coup against the Republic. At this point the GOP is worthless...

Oregon Supreme Court Blocks 10 Republicans From Running for Reelection

By Zachary Stieber, The Epoch Times, February1, 2024:

Our Country or No Country
The Biden regime's disastrous immigration policy has done irreparable damage to our nation
American Mind

America is experiencing the worst catastrophe at its southern border in its entire history. An estimated ten million illegal migrants [illegal aliens] are expected to have entered from Mexico by the time Biden completes his first term, a number that exceeds the total population of 40 of 50 states...

As many Americans...

Migrant crisis plunges Denver's main public hospital into the red
$136M blackhole after 8,000 new arrivals made 20,000 visits last year and received treatment they couldn't afford
Daily Mail
Denver's main hospital has provided care worth $136 million that they have no received compensation for, putting the institute at a 'critical' stage A total of 8,000 migrants who came to the city from Central America have made around 20,000 visits to the health system, causing problems for Denver Health These included trips...
Massive Trucker Convoys - 'Take Our Border Back' Rallies
Daily Signal

Trucker convoys that could total as many as 700,000 vehicles are headed south to demand a secure border this weekend. 

“We have a trucker convoy coming down to the border,” Rep. Keith Self, R-Texas, said in an interview with Fox Business Network, adding: “The American people have had enough. We’re demanding that the...

Past Time to Undo Obama's 'Fundamental Transformation'
American Thinker

... In fact, what he [Obama] instituted, endorsed, and placed the federal government’s many resources behind was the Marxist division of America into oppressed and oppressor groups -- using race and sex as substitutes for workers and producers. The destruction of national unity, the downplaying of merit and equal opportunity...

January 6 - They Needed an Emergency Session
The Last Refuge

... Following the scale of manipulation within the 2020 election, those who did the manipulation, which included support from the FBI and DOJ, justified to keep their institutional agencies from being exposed, needed to do something to stop any state delegate challenge. One successful state election challenge would have...

Mark Levin: The Democrat Party are scam artists
Fox News

Fox News Mark Levin tears into President Biden comparing himself to George Washington on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.' Levin lists the ways in which the Joe Biden and the Democrat Party are scam artists.



How and Why the Democrat Party Hates America

Biden: Working On Becoming The...

Are Multicultural Societies Doomed?
Aporia Magazine

'Are Multicultural Societies Doomed?' is the title of an Aporia Magazine podcast joint interview of Charles Murray and Helmut Nyborg. We recommend you listen to the entire podcast.

Murray is best known for The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. Murray is jointly interviewed (by Aporia's...

Sweden Issues Ominous Warning to Citizens

Swedish officials are warning their citizens to be readier than ever in case of war.

In May 2022, Sweden and Finland, known for their neutrality, announced that they would join NATO in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine earlier that year. While Finland officially joined the alliance in April 2023, Sweden's bid...

Illegal Aliens Get Equivalent of $300,000 Per Year of Taxpayer Money
Geller Report

Illegal invaders receive cash, free housing, free food, free phones, free healthcare, free tuition. What is the equivalent of what you have to earn to for that bounty? $300,000...

“[Illegals] are told they have a court date in eight or nine years. You’ll get free housing, you’ll get you free everything... Why won’t...

Justice for Assange Is Justice for All
Consortium News

... The damage done to him [Julian Assange] in his decade of incarceration and uncertainty, including more than two years in Belmarsh (whose brutal regime is celebrated in the latest Bond film) is beyond doubt.

But so, too, is his courage beyond doubt, and a quality of resistance and resilience that is heroism. It is...

The Final Four Cases Against Donald Trump
American Thinker

There are four major legal actions underway attempting to drive Donald Trump off ballots and into jail. When we parse the left-wing legalese and talking points, they translate into one thing: The Left is petrified that Donald Trump will win, and, when he wins, he’ll go through the DC Establishment like a firestorm...


NYSE Abandons Plan to Control America’s Natural Resources
Very few people understand how close we were to losing control of our property and natural resources through this diabolical NAC scam
Epoch Times

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on Wednesday withdrew its proposal to establish Natural Asset Companies (NACs), which were designed to pool investors’ money from around the world to buy controlling rights to public and private land throughout the United States.
The NACs would, according to filing documents, manage...

The Failed Lebanese Experiment
Eighty years of diversity and equity have destroyed a nation
American Mind

Americans wondering about the future of a society that centers diversity as a core value should look at Lebanon, the 4,000 square mile eastern Mediterranean nation that just celebrated 80 years of equity as an official policy and the foundation of the state. Since 1943, Lebanon has found neither strength, unity, stability,...

Establishment Plots Military Coup Against Donald Trump if Reelected

The establishment is reportedly in the beginning stages of plotting what appears to be a military coup against former President Donald Trump if voters reelect him as commander-in-chief.

The plot highlights the extent to which the establishment fears Trump’s potential return to power. If Trump wins reelection, he vowed...

Summary of 2020 Presidential Election Fraud in Swing States

Trump won.

President Trump Releases Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States:

??JUST IN – President Trump Releases Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States

Introduction: It has often been...

The Supreme Court will decide if Donald Trump can be kept off 2024 presidential ballots
The Gazette

The Supreme Court said Friday it will decide whether former President Donald Trump can be kept off the ballot for allegedly engaging in an “insurrection” as part of his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss, inserting the court squarely in the 2024 presidential campaign.

The justices acknowledged the need to...

WEF Davos: Biometric Digital ID Cards Could Track Vaccination Status

The introduction of biometric digital identity cards could be used by governments to track “who actually got a vaccination or not,” Queen Máxima of the Netherlands said at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos this week...

Aside from financial services, the Argentinian-born Dutch Queen went on to argue that...

Will Illegal Aliens Choose the 2024 Republican Nominee in Arizona?
Arizona Democrats are exploiting a loophole that lets non-citizens cast a ballot in the 2024 election
American Conservative

... An unprecedented move by Arizona’s Democratic Secretary of State Adrian Fontes just opened the way for non-citizens - legal or otherwise - to register for and cast a ballot in the 2024 election. That includes Arizona’s Republican primary in March, meaning the same illegal aliens flooding across our open border could vote...

Senate GOP Border Deal: Aliens to Get Work Permits, Lawyers, Green Cards

The Senate GOP leadership's draft border deal with the White House would reward illegal migration and encourage more foreign graduates to take jobs from American graduates, says the Immigration Accountability Project.

"There's nothing in there that [restricts immigration], in fact, it’s just going to encourage more...

Americans Must Choose Between Civilization - or Its Destroyers
PJ Media

Nihilism is the religion of the Left. Anarchy is now at the core of the new Democratic Party.

If the Left wished radically to alter the demography of the U.S., it could have expanded legal immigration through legislation or the courts.

Instead, it simply erased the border and dynamited federal immigration law...

Invasion Inversion: Turning America Upside-Down
American Thinker

Behold: It's the leprechaun-logistics theory of magic migration that tells us hordes of clean, fed, and comfortably shod invading migrants miraculously and spontaneously appear at the America end of their personal rainbows, where they demand pots of U.S. taxpayer gold.

But with no backpacks to carry water, energy...

De-Islamizing France
Rising Conservative Star Marion Maréchal Fights for National Identity and Security (Video)
RAIR Foundation

Known formerly as Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, she is the niece of Marine Le Pen, leader of the Rassemblement National, and granddaughter of National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen.

In a high-profile debate on BFMTV, Marion Maréchal, the conservative candidate for the Reconquest Party in the European Union elections,...

The Western World: RIP
Lew Rockwell

I have come to the depressing conclusion that the white ethnicities that constituted the nations of Western Civilization have degenerated into such insouciance and stupidity that they have no possibility of survival.  They sit mindlessly in front of TV absorbing their brainwashing and indoctrination... but they pay endlessly...

Ramaswamy States Christie Exit Was Part of Larger Control Agenda
The Last Refuge

In this video [see below], presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is essentially describing the “splitter strategy” CTH has discussed and outlined in granular detail for years. Essentially, a process where the billionaire donors, hedge fund managers, corporations and multinationals - what we define as the Sea Island group (...

California First to Give $3.1 Billion Health Insurance to Illegal Aliens
American Renaissance

California has become the first state to offer universal health insurance to all illegal migrants [illegal aliens] regardless of whether they have any documentation.

On January 1, taxpayers will now be forced to fork out thousands for medical care for an additional 700,000 undocumented immigrants [illegal aliens] - ...

A Culture in Collapse
American civilization has been turned upside down, and we have a rendezvous soon with the once unthinkable and unimaginable.
American Greatness

In the last six months, we have borne witness to many iconic moments evidencing the collapse of American culture.

The signs are everywhere and cover the gamut of politics, the economy, education, social life, popular culture, foreign policy, and the military. These symptoms of decay share common themes.


Atheism can't equip us for civilisational war
Why I am now a Christian

... The underlying principle that justified the [9/11] attacks was religious, after all: the idea of Jihad or Holy War against the infidels...

Blaming the errors of US foreign policy was easier than contemplating the possibility that we were confronted with a religious war. We have seen a similar tendency in the past...

2023 in Review and Forecast 2024
It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future. - Yogi Berra

David Collum has written a lengthy and witty, albeit cynical two-part 2023 "Year in Review" series:

Dave Collum's 2023 Year In Review: Down Some Dark Rabbit Holes, Part 1, and Part 2, ZeroHedge, 23/24 December 2023

Here are a few...

The Intellectual Foundations of MAGA
The MAGA position is founded on a solid intellectual and moral foundation
American Greatness

... The narrative is widespread and clear. Republican voters, MAGA voters in particular, are universally stigmatized by America’s mainstream thought leaders as uneducated rubes. As Obama once famously sneered, they are “clinging to their guns and religion.”...

All of this is utterly false. There is a coherent...

Ballot Busting - 2023 articles

This was not just election fraud, it was a coup.

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything - Joseph Stalin The only thing we did on Election Day was tell them how many votes they needed on Election Night. - Andy Swan (@AndySwan) November 4,...
Biden Border Invasion: Illegal Aliens Cost Each Taxpayer $1,200 in 2023

In 2023, millions of illegal aliens residing in the United States cost every American taxpayer nearly $1,200. In total, taxpayers were billed $150 billion this year to pay for illegal immigration.

The cost of illegal immigration to taxpayers is summarized in an annual report from the Federal for American Immigration...

Gov. Polis’ land-use takeover disregards how people want to live
Complete Colorado

Colorado will celebrate its 150th birthday in 2026, and to celebrate Governor Jared Polis has proposed what he thinks is a “visionary” land-use and transportation plan. In fact, it is just a tired old rehash of recent urban planning fads that are based on obsolete views of how people want to live.

The plan is partly a...

The George Floyd, Jr. Narrative Unraveled - The Whole Story Was a Lie
We live in a country governed by the rule of narrative
American Greatness

I wonder what Derek Chauvin is thinking these days?

He’s the former Minneapolis cop who became the Scapegoat Number One after George Floyd - sorry, St. George Floyd - died from a Fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest in May 2020.

As all the world knows, that is not how The Narrative tells it...


"#WalkAway" founder Brandon Straka announces HUGE J6 victory

Positive news seems rare when it comes to January 6th, but sometimes the good guys win one against tyranny. That’s exactly what happened to “#WalkAway” founder Brandon Straka. He’s been under relentless pursuit and harassment for his non-violent, lawful presence at the January 6th event... Here's what Brandon said in his...

Democrat Colorado Supreme Court Disqualifies Trump from 2024 Ballot

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in a 4-3 opinion that the Constitution’s “Insurrection Clause” prohibits former President Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot for the presidency in 2024.

“The court found by clear and convincing evidence that President Trump engaged in insurrection as those terms are used...

Fractures in the Regime
American Mind

The late Angelo Codevilla identified the American ruling class as a wealthy oligarchy whose power depends upon its “intersectional” clients. For most of the oligarchy, the ends of rule are wealth and affirmation of superiority over the people, but the intersectionals -inspired by resentment and identity politics - are driven...

Texas Gov Signs Bill Making Illegal Entry from Mexico a State Crime

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill making Texas the first state in the union to give law enforcement officers the authority to arrest migrants who illegally enter the state. The measure, SB 4...

The bill is part of a package of measures designed to decrease the flow of migrants entering the state from Mexico....

Trump’s Legal Victory in Colorado
American Mind

Ever since anti-Trump forces began to weaponize the legal system to achieve political objectives through litigation rather than the ballot box, the former president has been attacked on multiple fronts. One major national effort has been to attempt to disqualify Trump from running as a candidate in Republican presidential...
