All News Articles

Progressives Boast 5 Million New Immigrant Voters for 2022

Left-wing activists are successfully converting millions of economic migrants into Democratic-leaning voters for the 2022 election, says a new report by left-wing groups.

“The new American majority has begun to demonstrate its power in numbers,” says the July 20 report, titled “NEW AMERICAN VOTERS 2022: Harnessing the...

Limits to physical and economic growth
Nature Physics

Across the world, decisions on investment and policy are made under the assumption of continuous economic expansion. Fundamental physical limits may soon put an end to this phase of development, as foreshadowed by the 1972 report The Limits to Growth.

Quantitative economic growth, in which inflation-adjusted wealth...

Nazi Collaborator Soros gives $1 M to Beto O'Rourke's Campaign to Unseat Texas Gov. Abbott
There is fundamentally wrong with the American system if a hostile foreign actor with virulent anti-American views can send billions to buy our elections
Geller Report

How is this allowed? There is fundamentally wrong with the American system if a hostile foreign actor with virulent anti-American views can send billions to buy our elections...



George Soros Gave $1 Million to Help Beto O’Rourke Unseat Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, by Caden Pearson, The Epoch Times...

100 seconds of Joe Biden showing he's totally fit to be president.

100 seconds of Joe Biden showing he's totally unfit to be president. So who, then, is really running the Biden Regime?

100 seconds of Joe Biden showing he's totally fit to be president.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 18, 2022

Biden Gives Soros-Linked Group $172M to Help Illegal Aliens Avoid Deportation

A left-wing group linked to billionaire George Soros has won a nearly $172 million federal contract from... Biden’s administration to help young border crossers avoid deportation, a report revealed this week....


Biden Awards George Soros Related Group $172 Million to Help Illegals Avoid Deportation,...

The National Question Takes Center Stage In Arizona Senate Primary Debate

“This election is about the future...actually it’s an election about whether we’re going to have a future at all,” Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters said at the GOP primary debate last week. “In 30 years, my boys will be my age, and I want them to grow up in a country we recognize.” The National Question loomed...

Discredited Southern Poverty Law Center Helping Out Jan. 6 Witch Hunt
An Unholy Alliance aims to destroy all opposition to the Left.
FrontPage Mag

The Jan. 6 Stalinist show trial is a naked attempt to demonize and ultimately criminalize legitimate political opposition in the United States, and so it comes as no surprise that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), one of the Left’s premier, well-heeled, and most ruthless attack dogs, would be involved. Politico...

Biden and The Destruction of Wisdom
The Biden regime is decoupled from both the past and reality, and quite capable of destroying Americans’ lives as they have known them.
American Greatness

There used to be an agreed-on body of wisdom, which both Left and Right, Republicans and Democrats, generally accepted. Heated arguments and invective centered on implementations and methods of solving problems, which at least both sides agreed were problems. Both ideologies accepted a common core of wisdom, despite their...

We're All Dutch Farmers Now!

For weeks now, farmers in the Netherlands have been engaging in fierce protests over their government's plan to halve the country's nitrogen and ammonia pollution by 2030. It is estimated that this plan—which will mandate emissions cuts of 95% in some provinces—will require a 30% reduction in livestock and will drive many of...

Mainstream Media Hiding Massive Protests Going On Around The Globe
Here’s Why The Media Don’t Want You To Know About The Massive Protests Going On Around The Globe
The Federalist

Discontent with left-wing policy failures is triggering massive protests all over the world....

If you skim the front pages of major corporate news outlets, you’ll find no mention of the economic protests raging in Spain, Morocco, Greece, and the United Kingdom...

According to the Carnegie Endowment for...

From Constitutional Republic to Socialism to Globalism to Feudalism
Noisy Room

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves, of course. Globalism has declared war on the nation-state, and cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The tactical strategy is the incremental movement of America...

Colorado Democrats Open Public Benefits to Illegal Aliens; Taxpayers Billed Millions

Colorado Democrats, with Gov. Jared Polis (D) at the helm, are opening an array of public benefits to illegal aliens that are expected to cost millions for the state’s taxpayers.

As part of a legislative package signed last year, Polis and Democrats have opened more public benefits like dental insurance, family...

Globalists' war on nations has entered its final stages

... As we pointed out back on May 26, the globalists have entered the "kill phase" of their plan for a Great Reset... The "kill phase" also targets nations...

Not just a few nations. Not a single region. But worldwide, from Sri Lanka to Poland to the Netherlands, Italy, France, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand,...

Spoiler Alert: It's All a Scam
This is war. We need to go on the offensive.
American Greatness

... The Left, which now controls all the centers of power and the commanding heights of the world economy, seeks to codify their ideology as science, and thereby make it irrefutable. You can’t disagree with it or you are a kook or insurrectionist...

Think about it. Everything these authorities tell you is true is, in...

Electric Vehicles Are Worse for the Environment
Geller Report
Electric Vehicles Are Worse for the Environment

Besides quality issues, a new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that electric vehicles are worse for the environment than gas-powered ones. By quantifying the externalities (both greenhouse gases and local air pollution) generated by driving...

Share of U.S. Population Born Abroad 1850-2020

Share of U.S. Population Born Abroad 1850-2020:


Mark Levin on the Constitution and the January 6 committee - video
Fox / Vlad Tepes blog

Mark Levin on the Constitution, Pelosi, the SPLC, and the January 6th committee. A powerful presentation. 



Watch the Mark Levin Show. Listen to Mark Levin on SiriusXM Patriot channel.

UN celebrates World Population Day by shaming population 'alarmists'
celebrates World Population Day by shaming population ‘alarmists’

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) was created in 1969 to act on the world community’s concerns about population growth. Since the mid-1990s, it has gradually reinvented itself, first into an organisation concerned with a menu of items that might indirectly affect global population while feigning unconcern with the...

The World's Most Important Graph - 2022
Sub-Saharan Africa vs European population growth


The United Nations’ Population Division has posted its World Population Prospects 2022, the first in three years...

The UN projections tend to expect current trends to continue onward without a major phase shift: e.g., no Malthusian famines, mass exoduses, religious revivals, wars, or unknown...

Biden Regime Made It Easier for Terrorists To Enter the US
Washington Free Beacon

Congressional Republicans on Friday launched a formal probe into the Biden administration over its decision to alter federal law so that individuals tied to terrorist organizations can more easily enter the United States.

The investigation, led by House Armed Services Committee member Jim Banks (R., Ind.), comes on...

Brussels: Capital of Europe or Eurabia?
Gatestone Institute

"Molenbeek would love to be forgotten, because it is the very example of the failure of the multicultural society, which remains an untouchable dogma in Belgium". — Alain Destexhe, honorary Senator in Belgium and former Secretary General of Doctors Without Borders, Le Figaro, May 3, 2022.

"[I]n the Brussels region...

Dutch Farms Seized To Make Way For Migrants
Geller Report

No longer a conspiracy theory: Dutch farmers must make way for asylum seekers

Flevo member of parliament Niek Beenen (JA21) has shared a document on Twitter from the province of Flevoland in the Netherlands about the purchase of “nitrogen space” in the Noordoostpolder.

By: Free West Media, July 7, 2022...

The Big Lie Of Woke Capitalism - ESG

So-called “woke capitalism” is also sometimes referred to as “ESG investing,” which itself has various meanings. The acronym ESG stands for “environmental, social, and governance.” It’s a vague categorization or standard applied to companies and investors to determine how, for lack of a better word, “woke” they may or may...

Election Integrity In Wisconsin

In the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, President Trump and his allies brought numerous lawsuits, seeking to overturn the reported result in various states. Those efforts all failed, not necessarily because the cases’ arguments were not meritorious, and certainly not because voter fraud didn’t occur, but because...

Denali National Park Brings Back Mask Mandates - Joins 5 Other Parks

Denali National Park in Alaska announced on Friday it will be reinstating a mask mandate in all federal buildings located on park grounds and park buses due to a rise in coronavirus cases.

The mask mandate applies to everyone over the age of two regardless of vaccination status and is required in federal buildings on...

Texas National Guard and State Troopers to Return Illegal Aliens Back to the Border
American Greatness

Texas Governor Greg Abbott took what he called “an unprecedented step” on Thursday to protect the public by directing state entities to return migrants who entered the country illegally back to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Abbott announced in a news release that he has issued an executive order “authorizing and empowering...

10 Guiding Principles

10 guiding principles to ensure humankind's survival:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule Passion — Faith — Tradition — and all things with...

Reining In the Fourth Branch of Government
Real Clear Politics

The Constitution provides for three branches of government, sharing sovereign power. In fact, we have a fourth branch, the sprawling administrative bureaucracies....

Last week’s Supreme Court decision took an important step to rein in these bureaucracies. It ruled the regulations for carbon dioxide emissions, written...

The Great Regression
The American Mind

Editors’ Note [American Mind]

“The following is an excerpt from Michael Walsh’s forthcoming book, Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order, which will be published by Bombardier Books and be available October 18, 2022. Walsh has gathered a series of essays from among eighteen of the most...

Clarity in Trump's Wake
The United States of America is now a classic oligarchy. The clarity that it has brought to our situation by recognizing this fact is its only virtue.
American Greatness

This article offers astute observations and insights on the oligarchy's orchestrated attack on the Trump Presidency. It also discusses how some of Trump's failings played into the hands of the oligarchs. Originally published January 19, 2021.

In 2021, the laws, customs, and habits of the heart that had defined the...

Two Competing Political Philosophies: Americanism vs Alien
Epoch Times

This article provides a succinct and fitting description of the Marxist / globalist threat facing America and indeed all of Western Civilization.

... There’s a battle being waged for the soul of our country. It’s a battle of competing visions and values, philosophies and principles. It’s a struggle between those who...

Against the Great Reset

Here's a new book that looks interesting and relevant.

Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order, by Michael Walsh.

Featuring Essays by:
Michael Anton
Salvatore Babones
Conrad Black
Jeremy Black
Angelo Codevilla
Janice Fiamengo

How Did A Zuckerberg Charity Stooge Win A GOP Primary In Colorado?
Pam Anderson won a race with no money and very few visible voters

The story of the GOP primary race for Secretary of State in Colorado gets more interesting the more you investigate the results....

The really big news is that Pam Anderson supposedly won the race with 43% of the vote (266,000 citizens voted for her!) which is an unbelievable result — to say the very least.


The Astonishing Implications of Schedule F
What If People Actually Controlled The Government?
Brownstone Institute

Two weeks before the 2020 general election, on October 21, 2020, Donald Trump issued an executive order (E.O. 13957) on “Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service.” 

... it would have fundamentally changed, in the best possible way, the entire functioning of the administrative bureaucracy that rules this country in...

Here's What The Jan. 6 Show Trials Are Really After

The committee wants those who stood by Donald Trump to face shame, disbarment, personal and professional harm, and potentially prison. 

The Jan. 6 Committee’s Stalinist show trial serves many purposes, but truth is not one of them.... The Democrat-stacked committee seeks to score political points, not secure the truth...

Biden Regime Admits: 'Liberal World Order' More Important Than Affordable Gas
The Federalist

The Biden White House admitted on Thursday that record-high gas prices are part of a broader scheme to usher in the “liberal world order” at Americans’ expense.

On CNN, Biden’s director of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese, made clear that high gas prices are a part of the plan, as the administration promotes...

Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide
It's really true: they know they are killing the babies.
FrontPage Mag

... I’ve been rendered almost speechless — or the literary equivalent of that — because recently I’ve had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that indeed, a genocide — or what I’ve called, clumsily but urgently, a “baby die-off” — is underway.

The WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research...

Welcome to California
Imagine if you will

Imagine if you will... a state enduring drought, its populace ordered to reduce their water use while the president ushers in caravans of illegal aliens and its governor showers them with health benefits. Welcome to California.

California to become first state offering health care to all illegal aliens,...

33 Problems With Media In One Chart

... High quality journalism and the unprecedented transparency of social media keeps power structures in check—and sometimes, these forces can drive genuine societal change. Reporters bring us news from the front lines of conflict, and uncover hard truths through investigative journalism.

That said, as Visual...

Democrats Rounding Up Political Dissidents

Democrats Rounding Up Political Dissidents - Tucker Carlson:



Tucker Carlson exposes the totalitarian Biden regime, American Thinker, 30 June 2022:

Since its inauguration, the Biden administration has displayed its absolute contempt for freedom and democracy.


Democrats Have Become A Serious Threat To The Republic
For the left, ‘democracy’ is no longer just a euphemism for ‘policies I want,’ it’s a belief in a system that exists outside the Constitution.
The Federalist

Those who seek to destroy or delegitimize the Supreme Court for upholding the Constitution are no better than those who desire to overturn or delegitimize presidential elections. In fact, they probably pose a greater long-term threat to American “democracy.”

Now, if you believe the above contention is hyperbole,...

Coloradans Must Not Let Democrats Decide Our Republican Primary

Many Coloradans may not realize this, but this Tuesday will be a seismic turning point for our beautiful state. Primary voters will either head us down a path towards prosperity, or down a road to relentless government overreach in the state known for being the new frontier.  

In just three and a half years, Jared...

This Crisis is Manufactured
Vlad Tepes Blog

Tucker Carlson: This Crisis is Manufacture. We’re finally getting to see what the progressive Democrat utopia looks like:

NY Supreme Court Strikes Down NYC Voting Rights for Foreign Nationals

The New York Supreme Court has struck down a New York City law, passed by Democrats late last year, that sought to give municipal voting rights to nearly a million foreign nationals.

As Breitbart News has chronicled, Democrats on the 51-member New York City Council approved a plan last month that allows more than 800,...

Biden Regime’s ‘Shadow Amnesty’ Play
Patriot Post

The Biden administration is packing the immigration courts to further his nefarious open-borders agenda.

There has been an illegal immigration crisis at the southern border ever since Joe Biden took office — a crisis that we have repeatedly noted is intentional. Biden’s de facto open-borders policy is part of a larger...

Supreme Court Confirms Federalism: Constitution's Solution for Abortion

The Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobbs case is both smaller and larger than it might first appear.

Smaller Than It Seems

It’s smaller in the sense that in and of itself the decision bans precisely zero abortions...

Yet despite all the hyperventilating from Democrats, the left-wing media, and outrage-...

Hope for Europe - but only with greatly reduced immigration
Interactive chart of population projections
The Overpopulation Project

TOP [The Overpopulation Project] provides population projections under nine different fertility and migration scenarios (and their varied combinations) for every country in the EU out to 2100, in order to illuminate policy choices and their demographic consequences.

Project and compare European countries’ population...

Thousands Of African Migrants Storm Spanish Exclave of Melilla
Zero Hedge

Eighteen African migrants are dead and 76 injured after a mass storming of the Spanish exclave of Melilla in North Africa.

A Spanish government spokesperson said about 2,000 migrants attempted to cross, and 133 managed to breach the border of the Spanish territory, according to Associated Press. Those who made it...

Great Replacement of Euro-Canadians
Council of European Canadians

A recent National Post article has reported that ‘[m]illions of Canadians believe in white replacement theory’ – according to a new Abacus poll....

Of those who believe in the White replacement theory, 49% had right-wing political views; 41% were centrists; and 21% had left-wing views....

But one cannot deny...

Five Reasons to Impeach Joe Biden
American Thinker

Note: While this article presents five reasons to impeach Biden, we will do well to remember that America's dementiate in-chief is but the figurehead of a larger malignant administrative regime. Excerpts from the article follow:

American has a two-tiered justice system. If you are liberal and vote Democratic, you...

Biden Regime Is Hiding Plan To Rig The 2022 Midterm Elections
The Federalist

resident Biden really does not want the public to know about his federal takeover of election administration. Dozens of members of Congress have repeatedly asked for details, to no avail. Good government groups, members of the media, and private citizens have filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act. Not a single...

Great Replacement Update: Biden Released 40% - Almost 100K Illegals Caught At Border In May
Biden has released more than 1 million illegal aliens since he took office

May wasn’t just another record-breaking month for illegal-alien “encounters” at the border, which reached almost 240,000. It was another chance for Traitor Joe Biden and his Cuban-Jewish Homeland Security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, to release another nearly 100,000 illegal-aliens to continue colonizing a city or town...

Supreme Court Rejects Bail Hearings For Detained Illegal Aliens
Geller Report

Following the law, following the Constitution is so rare under the Biden regime, that when a ruling comes down on the side of the law it is …… shocking. ...

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled non-citizens can be detained indefinitely under federal immigration law without bond hearings and that federal judges lack...

Creeping Sharia: UK Theater Chain Pulls Movie After Muslims Protest
Geller Report

Anywhere Western law and Islamic law, mores and traditions conflict, it is always Western law that must give way.... 

Cineworld pulls £12m film on Prophet Muhammad’s daughter after hundreds of Muslim protesters picketed movie theatres and branded it ‘blasphemous’ over Islamic history ‘inaccuracies’ (Daily Mail)......

Healthy Skeptic

... Fauci... stands or sits there with a sanctimonious expression on his face and this mild, reasonable tone of voice, and out spews an endless stew of mis-statements and lies. The life-long bureaucrat in action–never really accomplished anything; survives by being politically adept; and if they didn’t start as incompetents...

Push for High-Density Housing Rooted in Racial and Environmental Agendas
Epoch Times

Observation: As move government-controlled high-density housing is brought into the suburbs, not only will density increase, but demographics will change. Suburbs, formerly strongholds of conservativism, will be increasingly populated with those who receive government handouts and support, who in turn vote for Democrat...

Texas’s Gov. Abbott blocks and breaks that gargantuan incoming caravan
American Thinker

Joe Biden is letting one of the largest illegal migrant caravans in history move into the U.S., with no effort to stop it.

Texas's governor, Greg Abbott, isn't. 

According to a very interesting report by Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies, the record-sized 15,000-strong caravan has run into...

Ukraine Corruption: L. Todd Wood interview on Tucker Carlson - recommended

View the interview on directly Bitchute: Ukraine Corruption: L. Todd Wood interview on Tucker Carlson, June 9, 2022.


As befits Carlson's status as a very rare media skeptic of the U.S. role in the Ukraine war, on June 9, Tucker invited L. Todd Wood in for a one hour interview on Tucker Carlson Today....

Federal official warns of Colorado River water supply cuts

The Colorado River’s reservoirs have diminished to the point that significant cuts to the water supplied to the seven states that rely on it will be necessary next year, a federal official warned Tuesday.

Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Camille Calimlim Touton told the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee...

Video: Wood, Mercola: It’s Crucial To Understand What We’re Up Against
Lew Rockwell

My interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola is the most comprehensive coverage of the problems we face with Technocracy, Transhumanism and scientism. If you want to get up to speed in a few short hours, listen to both videos, read the article and download the transcript of the interview with Mercola. ⁃ TN Editor...


Judge strikes down Biden Regime deportation limits
A judge has reversed Washington’s limits on immigration enforcement, arguing they violate federal law

...  The ruling was a response to a lawsuit filed by the states of Texas and Louisiana, which sued the Biden administration last April for its alleged refusal to enforce immigration law. At issue was a policy change announced two months before that required the ICE to prioritize the arrest and deportation of only illegals...

Good news: China's population could start falling!

China's population is set to get smaller for the first time since the great famine struck 60 years ago...

China accounts for more than one-sixth of the world's population, yet after four extraordinary decades in which the country’s population has swelled from 660 million to 1.4 billion, its population is on track to...

What's bedeviling America
We face an alliance of convenience among the far-left progressives, Deweyites, socialists, Marxists, doctrinaire communists, totalitarians
American Thinker

Bruce Deitrick Price: The big problem for all of us is to grasp the entirety of your work. So my first question is, what is the broad concern that ties together all this research?

Linda Goudsmit: The most important thing is to realize that globalism is at war with the nation-state. I am talking about globalism as an...

Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6

This article is a lengthy albeit highly informative expose. The entire article is worth reading. Note that the article includes a number of videos. A few excerpts are included below:

Six weeks ago, Revolver News published a blockbuster investigative report on Ray Epps — a man who, more than any other individual,...

The Democrat January 6 Show Trial

The J6 Inquisition Is An Obvious Soviet-Style Show Trial, by Tristan Justice, The Federalist, 10 June 2022:

The hearing, however, possessed all the signature hallmarks of the infamous Moscow Trials nearly 100 years ago, in which opponents to Joseph Stalin’s regime were hauled before the public and charged with...

What the January 6 Committee Hearings Won’t Cover
American Greatness

A sham congressional committee working with a corrupt Justice Department boosted by a dishonest national media can only be expected to create political propaganda....

Their bottom-line task is to convince the public that Trump led a “coordinated, multi-step effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election,” according...

The Subordinate Citizen
American Greatness

... Contrast the tens of thousands of foreign nationals now mustering to cross illegally into the United States again this summer. They follow the already 2 million who have entered the country unlawfully since Joe Biden became president. 

Does any foreign national worry about being tested for COVID-19, much less fear...

A Dozen Food Processing Plants Destroyed - add another to the list!

Food Processing Plants Burning Down All Over the World, as Europe, Australia Prepare for Fuel Rationing, Canada Free Press, 8 June 2022:

Food processing plants and distribution centers are now burning to a crisp in rapid succession, a peculiar trend that has been growing since 2021.

Just in the last weeks the...

DeSantis: Soros-backed Latino Media Network will disinform
New York Post

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is warning Miami residents that Spanish language radio stations bought by a George Soros-backed group plan to spread “disinformation” over their airwaves.

DeSantis released several radio spots in Spanish to alert residents to the “purchase of Hispanic radio stations meant to disinform the...

Soros Spent Over $40 Million To Install Pro-Crime District Attorneys
Blockbuster Report: Unleashed Violent Criminals Endangering Communities
Geller Report

Blockbuster report reveals how the left put pro-Black Lives Matter district attorneys and state attorneys in power across the country to let criminals off the hook and endanger communities in the name of "racial justice"...

The U.S. currently has 75 George Soros-backed prosecutors overseeing half of America’s 50 most...
Tucker Carlson on lack of election integrity

Tucker Carlson discusses the multiple ways by which the Democrat party stole the 2020 election, and why American's do not have confidence in their electoral system.


Minneapolis Becomes First Large City to Broadcast Islamic Call to Prayer Over Loudspeakers
FrontPage Mag

... The adhan, prayed in Arabic, repeats “Allahu akbar” six times, “I testify that there is no god but Allah” three times, and “I testify that Muhammad is Allah’s prophet” twice. Dr. Gavin Ashenden, former chaplain to the British queen, who resigned his position in protest against a Qur’an reading in a Scottish church,...

Naomi Wolf: We're Now in the Last Stage of a Tyrannical Takeover
Epoch Times

According to Naomi Wolf, a former adviser to the Clinton administration, there are 10 steps every tyrannical government has followed. We are now at step 10, and once it locks into place, there will be no going back. Find out how you can help keep that from happening.

Story at-a-glance

There are 10 steps that...
Immigrants Travel To Schools With Warning: Socialism Is Deadly
Daily Caller

Immigrants who have fled socialist countries are travelling to schools across the U.S. for free under a new program to teach students about the dangers of socialism.

The Dissident Project launched Monday with speakers set to “travel to high schools across the U.S. to speak to students about authoritarian socialism” at...

Colorado needs nuclear to meet ambitious energy goals
Complete Colorado

Colorado has set the ambitious goal of achieving 100% carbon-free electricity generation by 2040, while simultaneously encouraging the electrification of the state’s transportation, home-heating, and manufacturing sectors to drive down emissions even further.

To have a realistic shot of meeting these goals, the state...

Another Government Fiasco: 2020 Census Rigged?
Trending Politics

Once again Americans have to determine why another governmental agency, this time the Census Bureau, could make significant errors that disproportionality benefit democratic majority states.

Unlike more temporal activities conducted by governmental agencies, the Census is only completed once every 10 years, and as you...

Which Doomer Are You? A New Political Map

Dave Pollard has been clanging to doom bell for a while. He made a 'new political map' in 2015—back when I would have called him crazy—but now I’m crazy too. When the world goes mad, only a madman stays the same.I have modified Pollard’s map above. Nothing wrong with the old design, this is just how I understood it.


Immigration to the United States and World-Wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Center for Immigration Studies

Originally published in 2008, this article is particularly relevant today because of Biden regime / Democrat party conflicting agendas. These are specifically:

1. Open borders, which incidentally violates Biden's oath of office to enforce America's laws, including immigration laws.

2. The Green New Deal agenda...

Democrats to Vote on 6 Gun Controls That Wouldn't Have Prevented Uvalde Attack

Democrats in the House Judiciary Committee will hold a vote on a gun control package Thursday which includes six gun control measures that would not have prevented the Uvalde attack.

The package is titled the “Protecting Our Kids Act.”

Punchbowl News reports that the package contains eight gun controls. Six of...

The Origins of the New Right - And its Future
A true America First platform is the only way forward
American Mind

The conservative movement has reached a definitive turning point in 2022. We can clearly see the emergence of a new right forming before our very eyes. The political process which ignited anew with onset of the Trump era is maturing... The old Republican Party, which despite winning some electoral victories, has been on life...

Foreign-Born Population Hit Record 47 Million in April 2022
Driven largely by illegal immigration
Center for Immigration Studies

An analysis of the Census Bureau’s monthly Current Population Survey (CPS) shows that the total foreign-born population (legal and illegal) in the U.S. hit 47 million in April of 2022 — a record high in American history. The foreign-born population includes all persons who are not U.S. citizens at birth. The size and growth...

They’re Replacing You, Black America
Taki's Magazine

Liberals are screwing over African Americans again, sublimely confident that whatever they do, Democrats will never get less than 90% of the black vote....

... Hispanics have begun to show a slight — very slight — willingness to vote for Republicans, coinciding with the Democratic Party’s enthusiastic embrace of Black...

The European Union Was Designed to Stifle Democracy

Review of Ever Closer Union? Europe in the West by Perry Anderson (Verso, 2021).

Today, the structures of European capitalism and the transatlantic alliance should be under scrutiny like never before. After more than a decade of intense economic and political crisis, Western European powers and their US sponsor are...

Biden Regime Pays to Bus In Thousands of Migrants Daily

U.S. border officials are quietly bussing a vast flood of wage-cutting, rent-spiking migrants into Americans’ towns and cities, despite the court-ordered preservation of the Title 42 barrier.

“It’s like 8,000 to 9,000 a day now,” and there are more on the way, migration monitor Todd Bensman told Breitbart News.

Green Energy is 4 to 6 Times More Expensive
Epoch Times

... Biden keeps claiming that wind and solar energy are going to save money for consumers. But more government subsidies to “renewable energy” is a key feature of the White House anti-inflation strategy recently announced by Biden.

He probably got that idea from John Kerry, the administration’s climate czar, who...

Monkeypox: "Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me"
Unz Review

“I can’t believe it’s monkey-pox season already and I haven’t even taken my Ukrainian decorations down.” Robin Monotti 

Bill Gates prediction that the world would face an unexpected smallpox outbreak is miraculously unfolding. Should we be surprised?

I know I’m not. Here’s the money-quote that was delivered...

Half-Million Migrants Cross Border in Ten Weeks

More than a half-million migrants illegally crossed the southwest border with Mexico during a 10-week period ending on May 15. The record-setting mass migration crisis is overwhelming Border Patrol and NGO resources as they deal with the chaotic level of border crossings.

Between April 1 and May 15 approximately 513,...

Liberalism, Progressivism, Leftism

... I think that there are three basic, interrelated and mutually reinforcing ideological systems at work in the Western world today. These are liberalism, progressivism and leftism.

By liberalism, I mean the cluster of moral and political ideas emphasising individual rights and self-determination. The liberal...

Who is attending the globalist Davos summit?
From The Trenches World Report

Have you heard about the Great Reset agenda? How about Build Back Better? Of course, in order to build back America into a utopian globalist socialist entity, traditional America first has to be dismantled. We are witnessing multifaceted attempts to fundamentally transform America, orchestrated by Davos elites and...

More Illegal Aliens Crossed Border in April than any Month in Modern History
American Greatness

In the month of April, at least 234,088 illegal aliens crossed the border into the United States, smashing all previous records for the highest monthly total of illegal border crossings in modern history.

As reported by the Washington Examiner, the over 234,000 figure comes from successful interceptions by border...

Population, Petroleum, and Systemic Collapse
Council of European Canadians

Oil is everything. That is to say, everything in the modern world is dependent on oil and other hydrocarbons. From these we get fuel, fertilizer, pesticides, lubricants,  plastic, paint, synthetic fabrics, asphalt, pharmaceuticals, and many other things.... When oil goes, our entire industrial society will go with it. There...

Everything Everywhere All at Once
Sovereign Nations


What is your concern this week?

Is it affordable housing for you and for you family?

Is it the ability to fill your gas tank this week so you can go to work?

Is it the concern over finding baby formula for your newborn?

Is it the Marxist indoctrination being pushed at your children’s...

Crime, Jared Polis, Labor Shortage: Why Colorado’s Senate May Go Red

The state has been under total Democratic control for four years, but a tumultuous two years with law enforcement, workforce development and the pandemic has some predicting that Republicans could regain control in November....

Wednesday, May 11, marked the 120th and final day of Colorado’s 2022 legislative session,...

Time running out to stop Biden's plot to undermine U.S. sovereignty

The fact that the European Union has the Digital Services Act and the U.K. has proposed an Online Safety Bill are among the latest evidence that it was not mere coincidence that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently decided to create a Disinformation Governance Board.

This is all tied in together, along...

Threat to national sovereignty at May WHO World Health Assembly!!

The World Health Organization is attempting a 'power grab' - quietly setting up a single globalized response to all future 'health emergencies'...

... the deep state predators in the U.S. and Western governments have decided the world needs a centralized pandemic response controlled and...

Eight Stages Of Liberty
November 8, 2022, will determine whether America begins the return to abundance or continues on its present course toward bondage.
Canada Free Press

A Scottish historian and judge in the early 19th century, Alexander Fraser Tytler, has been credited with the development of The Eight Stages of Democracy....

According to whoever developed the theory, the average age of the world’s democracies is around 200 years. After roughly 200 years, nations collapse due to...

Imagine the Unimaginable
American Greatness

When revolutionaries undermine the system, earn the antipathy of the people, face looming disaster at the polls, it is then they prove most dangerous—as we’ll see over the next few months....

Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory. They may witness things over the next five months that once...

Biden Regime's border bloodbath: The deadly crisis exposed
Blaze TV

Corruption, greed, and death. This is what the Left’s border policy is REALLY about, not the humanitarian effort they claim it is.

On tonight's episode of "Glenn TV," Glenn Beck exposes the groups benefitting from the border chaos under the Biden administration. A leftist money supply flows to NGOs on the border that...

New Video Exonerates Defendants Accused of Breaking Into US Capitol
Geller Report

The Beltway Report:

In the video, Capitol police are seen opening up the upper west terrace doors of the Capitol building. No one is forcing their way in. There is no violence going on outside the building, at least none that can be seen that Democrats could say encouraged officers to open the doors. It just...

We Must Prevent Bill Gates from Preventing the Next Pandemic

For days now, I’ve been fighting my way through Bill Gates’s disturbing new book on How to Prevent the Next Pandemic, and I’ve found myself wondering about one question above all:

How are we to explain Gates, exactly?...

A commenter points me to Jeffrey Tucker, who, as it turns out, has done critical work...
