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Chase Shuts Down Dissident Doctor's Business and Employees’ Accounts Without Warning or Explanation
American Greatness

... The owner of Mercola Market, Dr. Joseph Mercola, tweeted on Tuesday that “Chase bank has shut down our business bank accounts along with the accounts of my CEO and CFO, as well as their family members (including spouse and child). They’ve refused to provide any reason for doing so, the oldest account has been active for...

The case for a Biden impeachment

... Margot Cleveland makes a good case for impeaching Biden nevertheless:

The evidence of... Joe Biden’s corruption during his time as vice president is now so overwhelming and the implications so serious, the disparate investigations underway in the House and Senate can no longer suffice. Nor can the Department of...

Every Electric Car You Buy Will Fund Al Qaeda
Biden turned over $1 trillion worth of lithium to Islamic terrorists.
FrontPage Magazine

The Taliban recently announced that, “five countries are interested in investing in the lithium mining sector in Afghanistan’s Nuristan province”. A Chinese company has already put down a $10 billion bid that would include infrastructure along with improved roads for the terror group...

Al Qaeda will be in charge of...

The Left's Elections 'Fortification' in 2024
Democrats used Covid-19 as an excuse to transform our elections; they are still at it.
American Conservative

The left wants all future elections to look just like they did in 2020, and we have the blueprints to prove it. Covid-19 was the excuse Democrats used to radically transform our nation’s election systems in ways that make them less secure, less fair, and more vulnerable to mischief. Virtually all of the “temporary” changes...

The Achilles Heel of Mail-In Ballot Fraud
American Thinker

The difference between the Republican ballot operation and that of the leftists that is the leftists manufacture ballots, whereas Republicans only collect them...

The laughable RNC "out-ballot-harvest the left" plan is one any sentient adult knows cannot work...

Manufacturing ballots requires two ingredients:...

The Culture War Against Thinking Individuals by the Vast Ideologically-Motivated Insane
Lew Rockwell

It is natural human proclivity to run and hide from critical thinking, in what has become a society consumed by spurious headlines, ignorance of fact, and extreme propaganda, but fear not the truth. Understanding the culture war that seems to be perpetually ongoing, is not as daunting as it may appear. All that is required...

Coming Soon: A Digital 'World ID'

Biometric iris scanners being set up throughout Southern Europe; precursor to a global digital ID system being ushered in for citizens around the world whether they ‘like it or not‘ says technocrat CEO of new company that plans to scan the eyeballs of every human on the planet...

A globally recognized digital ID to...

The Pessimistic Case for the Future

... In conventional terms, the United States peaked around 1965...

The Constitution Is All but Dead

We Americans are supposed to govern ourselves via a constitution that rests on a specific understanding of natural right (right and wrong, good and evil, better and worse exist by nature) and natural rights (...

Texas Resigns from Democrat Operative-founded ERIC Voter Registration System
9 States Out - Only 23 Remain
Gateway Pundit

... The Gateway Pundit has written extensively about ERIC and its founder, David Becker, who also founded the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), which received $69.5 million in Zuckerbucks and distributed it disproportionately to the “swing states”, with four of the top six states being PA, MI, AZ, and GA,...

Study accidentally proves man-caused global warming not provable
American Thinker

According to a study recently published in the journal Science, and latched onto by USAToday, more than 400,000 years ago, Greenland was actually green. Yes, scientists say, the massive island was an ice-free landscape, and was perhaps even covered with trees.

This is important to know, avers study co-lead author Paul...

Richard Lynn, RIP - 93 Years Of Truth - Telling

Psychologist/researcher Richard Lynn has just died at the advanced age of 93...

He was both famous and infamous for his research into race and IQ, because when the answers to scientific questions turned out to be not Politically Correct, he would publish them anyway, rather than trying to explain them away, or bury...

North Dakota Muslim Terrorist Planned to Kill Thousands
How one cop with a handgun stopped a heavily armed terrorist’s massacre.
Jihad Watch

Mohamad Barakat packed three long guns, four handguns and a vest with magazines in every pocket, as he drove through Fargo, North Dakota. The Downtown Street fair, which claims over 150,000 visitors, was on its second day and 5 minutes away. The Red River Fair, which recorded nearly as many people, was two days away from...

Try That In A Small Town
The Real Reason The Left Hates Jason Aldean's New Song Has Nothing To Do With 'Racism'
The Federalist

Jason Aldean’s song is about citizens physically resisting the left's organized violence and dysfunction.

On Monday, Country Music Television (CMT) confirmed it stopped airing Jason Aldean's newly released music video for his song "Try That in a Small Town." According to CMT and virtually every corporate media outlet...

Bidens DOJ Will Trigger A Major Crisis If Trump Is Indicted For Jan. 6
The weaponization of federal law enforcement, if it continues, is going to delegitimize the 2024 election before a single ballot is cast.
The Federalist

The news that President Joe Biden’s Justice Department might soon indict and arrest former President Donald Trump over the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol should terrify all Americans, regardless of their political beliefs.

Put bluntly, if Biden’s DOJ arrests Trump, the president’s main political rival heading into...

Journalists Attacking The Film 'Sound Of Freedom'
Journalists Attacking The Film 'Sound Of Freedom' Should Have Their Hard Drives Investigated
Alt Market

I recently went to see the movie Sound of Freedom with the expectation of a moderate level of political commentary or religious pontificating, given the rabid and widespread attacks on the film by the leftist media. All I knew going in was that the indie production was about child trafficking and that the mainstream media...

Five Essential Truths About the Modern Left

1. ... Today, however, large portions of the left actually approve of property crime because the left believes property crime is just a form of income redistribution...

2. The left does not want to solve the homeless problem in our big cities. To the contrary, many leftists want it to get worse... Leftists want large...

Will There Be a 2024 Election?
Canada Free Press

...  Our current values, as dictated by our present government, have turned the country upside down... Biden says he is running for re-election, yet shows no sign of any campaign...strange...

The Democrats have finally decided that Biden's and Harris' usefulness is coming to an end. They need a new team that can take...

The WHO Is A Real And Present Danger
Brownstone Institute

Our governments intend to transfer decisions over our health, families, and societal freedoms to the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), whenever he or she declares it necessary. The success of this transfer of power depends on public ignorance of its implications, and of the nature of the WHO itself and...

Jan. 6 Prisoner Takes His Obstruction Charge to the Supreme Court
'The federal government has effectively declared a jihad... on everyone within sight of Jan. 6,' attorney says
Epoch Times

... On July 7, attorneys for Jan. 6 prisoner Edward Jacob (Jake) Lang filed a document with the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) challenging the government’s obstruction of Congress charge—one of the most common felony charges used against Jan. 6 defendants—which carries a 20-year prison sentence.

“We filed...

Covid Sheep: Do Better Next Time!
Those who were Covid cowards need to stand up against tyranny in the future. It’s the least they can do.
The Federalist

If you were one of those people who always diligently wore an ineffective mask, got the experimental vaccine and boosters, or performatively practiced social distancing, you really owe an apology to those who stood up for civil liberties during Covid and must commit to being smarter and braver in the future. 


Canada at 40 Million: Where Are We Headed?
Population Institute Canada
Canada Achieves a Milestone: Its Annual Growth Rate Now Exceeds Africa’s

Congratulations, Canada! On June 16, right on time for Canada Day, you reached a population of 40 million. This is no mean feat for a country whose total fertility rate is 1.4 children per woman and has been below the replacement level of 2.1 since 1971...

A Fun Day
The Burning Platform

Somebody in the “Joe Biden” White House apparently thinks that the operations already underway are not enough to destroy our country fast enough, so a little extra push, such as nuclear annihilation, might get’er done.

By operations underway I mean things like mRNA vaccines stealthily deleting kin, friends, and public...

Journalists Abandoned Julian Assange and Slit Their Own Throats
Mint Press News

The persecution of Julian Assange, along with the climate of fear, wholesale government surveillance and use of the Espionage Act to prosecute whistleblowers, has emasculated investigative journalism. The press has not only failed to mount a sustained campaign to support Julian, whose extradition appears imminent but no...

Democrat Definition Of Democracy Is Like Marxist Definition Of Peace
Issues and Insights

"The meaning of peace," Karl Marx said, "is the absence of opposition to socialism."* To the Soviets, peace was the state in which resistance to their territorial and philosophical ambitions was not only futile, it was fatal. If Democrats were as straightforward as their philosophical consigliere, they would define democracy...

The Blob Begins to Quiver

"…the Permanent State lacks the courage to take hard decisions – to say to Moscow, 'Let us put this unfortunate episode (Ukraine) behind us. Dig out those draft treaties you wrote in December 2021, and let’s see how we can work together, to restore some functionality again to Europe'." - Alastair Crooke

When you deny...

Decades of mass 'colonizing immigration’ - France's collapse

After mass riots during the past week shocked France and the world, the former head of France’s powerful DGSE intelligence agency says the root cause of his country’s tragic situation is above all “the dominant ideology, which has justified and even glorified the massive colonizing immigration that has been taking place over...

The Greatest Victory of Liberty in Our Lifetime
Federal Judge Blocks Biden Administration From Meeting with Social Media Companies
Epoch Times

... In a tremendous victory for free speech, the Bill of Rights, and freedom generally, Judge Terry A. Doughty has issued a memorandum (with 172 footnotes) on “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”

“The evidence produced thus far depicts an almost dystopian scenario,” writes the Judge...

White Men Face Systemic Racism in the Workplace
'Diversity, Equity and Inclusion' and 'Environmental, Social, and Corporate governance' are the real systemic racism backed by the system.
FrontPage Magazine

A recent survey revealed that 1 in 6 hiring managers had been told to avoid hiring members of a particular gender and race. Normally editorials and cable news hits would have been scheduled, politicians would have held hearings and the civil rights apparatus of every federal and state agency, including the Department of...

Supreme Court Ends Systemic Racism by Striking Down 'Affirmative Action'
"Eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it"
FrontPage Magazine

The Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision struck down the last vestige of systemic racism in America by ruling that the policy of racial discrimination in education and other areas was unlawful.

“Eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it,” the ruling in Students for Fair Admissions v Harvard states....

'Allahu Akbar' Riots Erupt in France After Police Shooting of 17 Year Old Nahel with a Lengthy Criminal History (Videos)
RAIR Foundation

Nanterre, France – A 17-year-old Muslim named Naël [Nahel], with a history of criminal offenses, was shot and killed by a police officer in Nanterre on June 27. Naël had a notorious reputation, with 15 mentions in the criminal history file and a record of five instances of refusal to comply since 2021, according to sources...

The West IS White Supremacist
Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Neo-Ciceronian Times

Anyone who has been following the recent cultural movement by SJWs and People of ColourTM to undermine the last vestiges of traditional Western civilisation in both Europe and in the Anglosphere has seen the attempt to discredit our remaining institutions by declaring them "white supremacist."... Even such abstractions as...

How a group of scientists and government officials tricked the public
The Honest Broker

On July 11, 2023 the U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic will hold a hearing titled, Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up. The cover-up being referred to was put into place by a small group of scientists at the request of U.S. government officials to quash any public discussion of the...

Europe: The La La Land of Immigration
Arutz Sheva / Middle East Forum

... Who would have thought, fifty years later, that there would be other "no-go areas" in Europe?...

"Sweden is in an extremely grave situation," Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer said this week, referring to the surge in violence...

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has just taken pen and paper to write an...

Illegal Alien Flood at the Border Sinks Biden
200,000 people from all over the world crossed illegally last month.
Front Page Magazine

... Biden avoids and keeps far away from our nation’s wide-open southern border, where 200,000 people from all over the world crossed illegally last month and every month since Biden took office almost 30 months ago. But his chief Democrat rival, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., went to the border town of Yuma, Arizona on June 6, and...

The Defenders of Censorship Now Admit Everything
Epoch Times

They no longer deny censoring. They have shifted tactics. Now they defend censorship as a policy in the national interest. They are merely stamping out disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation—strange words applied to any thought or idea disliked by government.

And they are furious that a federal judge in...

Hunter Biden's Cocaine: Manufactured Distraction From Consequential Crimes
His and his father's crimes against the nation are being ignored.
Discern Report

Hunter Biden’s cocaine story was concocted. It’s believable because nobody, not even Biden supporters, would be surprised to hear that Hunter brought drugs into the White House. He’s a degenerate criminal who films himself committing disgusting acts while knowing there will be no repercussions because he’s protected by a...

Contrasts on Independence Day

[originally published 3 July 2022]

A 100-year-old veteran gave an emotional interview before Independence Day. He broke down and cried about the state of America.

"People don’t realize what they have," Dekel said, showing his emotions. "The things we did and the things we fought for and the boys that...

A Texas Border Tour
"It’s a hundred times worse than what they’re seeing on the news."
American Conservative

Brooks County—A few miles south of the Border Patrol check station, where the western boundary of King Ranch’s Encino Division meets the northbound side of State Highway 281, the otherwise perfect fence sags from the weight of undocumented aliens—UDAs [illegal aliens], in the parlance of the Brooks County Sheriff’s...

That famous Colorado cake master can finally bake his cakes in peace

The U.S. Supreme Court... essentially axed affirmative action, and now, they've decreed that bakeries and other U.S. companies and workers do not have to bow down to the demands of the LGBTQ+ community when it conflicts with their religious beliefs. In other words, no, you don't have to bake their damn cake. Many know the...

Is Mexico Our Friend?
Flash Report

...  our southern neighbor has policies that are openly hostile to our country and deadly to our citizens.

The first of the two hostile policies is their refusal to stop migrants from traversing their country to arrive at our border with the notion of entering the United States illegally. The second is the production...

Supreme Court Rules for Christian Web Designer in Forced Speech Case
Epoch Times

The Supreme Court ruled 6–3 in favor of a Christian website designer who said Colorado’s law requiring her to create websites to celebrate same-sex weddings infringed on her constitutional rights...

But in the case at hand, artist and website designer Lorie Smith of 303 Creative complained she was being singled out by...

71 Percent of Illegal Aliens Sent to ‘Republican Congressional Districts’:
Epoch Times

According to a deep dive investigation, there is a massive network of different organizations, NGOs, and religious centers that take illegal immigrants from the U.S. southern border and transport them to the interior of the United States—with the vast majority of these illegal immigrants winding up in Republican...

Facebook Cancels Account of Boston Man Who Shared Letter to Epoch Times Warning of Threats to Democracy
Epoch Times

Chad Jones, a venture capitalist who lives and works in the Boston area, has deeply admired history and the U.S. Constitution since high school.

Jones recalls that it was sometime in early April of 2022, and as he scrolled through the archives of the online edition of The Epoch Times, he saw a submission to the...

"Pride" Is A Thinly Veiled Color Revolution To Destroy Western Civilization
Alt Market

The term "color/colour revolution" is often associated with covert efforts among US and European interests to foment civil unrest within enemy nations (and sometimes allied nations) as a means to destabilize their societies and governments...

Color revolutions have been instigated for decades around the world. One...

Reminder - The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection
The Last Refuge

Much has been made of the events of January 6, 2021, and with the latest broadcast of CCTV video from inside the Capitol Hill complex, more questions have been raised.

Within the questions: the FBI and government apparatus had advanced knowledge of the scale of the J6 mall assembly yet doing nothing? Why were the...

Koch Network Plans $70 Million to Block Trump from GOP Nomination
The Last Refuge

As if on cue, here comes another billionaire group by well-established political control agents in yet another multimillion effort to block President Trump. This time it’s Koch and his Americans for Prosperity network.

The Koch groups are planning to spend $70 million in their effort to eliminate the support of Donald...

2024: How to Out-Compute the Left
American Thinker

In 2024 Republicans cannot "out-fraud" the left, cannot "out-ballot-harvest" them... but sure as hell can out-compute them...

Electioneering, by both sides, currently runs 1970s technology...

The leader of the free world, the end of the Deep State, for many the future of America as they have known it depends on...

Facebook to Block News Stories in Canada over Big Media Bailout Bill

The Canadian equivalent of the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), a bill forcing tech companies to pay off and collude with big media companies, has passed in Canada. As a result, Facebook (now known as Meta) says news content will no longer be available on its main platform and Instagram in the country —...

'Sound of Freedom' - A Must-See Film
Epoch Times

The sobering text near the end of the film is something we should all heed: “Human trafficking is a 150 billion-dollar-a-year business. The United States is one of the top destinations for human trafficking and is among the largest consumers of child sex. There are more humans trapped in slavery today than any other time in...

We Can Have Nice Things Again
Counter Currents

If I had to choose a single word to describe the United States in the current year, it would be decay. Society, law, and standards of living are in free fall, and this spiritual decay is mirrored in the physical realm in crumbling infrastructure and the woke destruction of monuments...

The contrast between Hungary and...

U.S. Proxy War with Russia is All About Resources
U.S. proxy war with Russia has nothing to do with Ukraine’s freedom and everything to do with regime change in Moscow

[originally published 20 March 2023]

... Ukraine will not be the only loser in this war. The United States of America will also have its comeuppance. Everyone around the world will finally see that the emperor has no clothes...

There are two rules of warfare: All wars are fought over resources. And all wars...

Stunning Whistleblower Transcripts and Evidence of Biden Justice Department Interfering in IRS Case Against Hunter Biden
The Last Refuge

The evidence released by the House Ways and Means Committee today is quite astonishing in detail.  In any normal political world, the transcripts, testimony and statements that were released today would destroy the top-tiers of any administration, including the President...

“U.S. Attorney of Delaware David Weiss tried...

SCOTUS Rules 7-2 to Uphold Law that Bans Encouraging Illegal Immigration

The Supreme Court in a 7-2 ruling on Friday upheld that a federal law prohibiting encouraging or inducing illegal immigration does not violate the First Amendment, reversing a Ninth Circuit decision that ruled the language of the law was unconstitutionally overbroad.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote the majority 7-2...

The Imminent Extradition of Julian Assange - Death of Journalism
He could be extradited to the U.S. this week. Should he be convicted, reporting on the inner workings of power will become a crime.
Consortium News

High Court Judge Jonathan Swift — who previously worked for a variety of British government agencies as a barrister and said his favorite clients are “security and intelligence agencies” — rejected two applications by Julian Assange’s lawyers to appeal his extradition last week...

The extradition of Julian Assange...

The Great Replacement, Western European-Style
American Renaissance

Even if European nations were to get serious in the fight against illegal immigration, which most of them have yet to do, that would not be enough to stop the Great Replacement. That social-engineering experiment would go on, albeit maybe at a slightly slower pace and with a smaller proportion of criminals and Islamic...

Each illegal alien costs Denver $800 to $1,000 per week per person
9 News

... This week, city council will vote on whether to approve a $40 million contract to outsource nearly all of Denver’s response to migrants [illegal aliens] arriving here from the southern border -- everything from medical care, to shelters, to food will be handled by a third-party company...

Since December, Denver...

Montana: Armed IRS Agents Rounding Up Gun Purchase Records

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen spoke to Breitbart News Saturday morning and told us that armed IRS agents rolled into Great Falls’ Highwood Creek Outfitters Wednesday and seized dozens of boxes of ATF form 4473s, the background check form containing information on gun purchasers...

Van Hoose believes his...

Tucker Carlson Outlines the New American Dictatorship

Fox News says: Wanna be dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested.


How Do We Secure Ethnic Continuity?

This topic is verboten in America, Canada, and most of Western Europe, thus making this article important reading.

How to secure ethnic continuity? This is a fundamental question that has been asked by nationalists in every country around the world. I will go a step further and say that it is a fundamental nationalist...

Muslim U.S. City Bans LGBTQ Flags From City Property
Clash of Islamic Beliefs and Leftist Ideologies
RAIR Foundation USA

Hamtramck, Michigan – The clash between leftist ideologies and Islamic beliefs regarding LGBTQ+ rights has once again taken center stage, igniting a controversial debate in the diverse city of Hamtramck. The display of LGBTQ+ Pride flags on government property has become a focal point, revealing tensions and raising...

Tucker Carlson Episode 3: America's principles are at stake - video
President Trump vs The UniParty Neocons

From Geller Report:

Tucker reacts to Trump indictment.

Tucker Carlson: "Trump is the one guy with an actual shot of becoming president who dissents from Washington's longstanding pointless war agenda. And for that, that one fact, they are trying to take Trump out before you can vote for him."


Articles of Impeachment Introduced Against Biden and Harris
New American

Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden on Tuesday for “his unconstitutional dereliction of duty at the southern border.” 

Boebert, an outspoken firebrand and House Freedom Caucus member, announced in her press release:

Joe Biden unconstitutionally...

The War on Trump Continues
American Greatness

We are living in a political war the likes of which this country has never seen... The society-wide use of political narratives, gaslighting, and disinformation designed to confuse and disorient the American people is unprecedented. Now add to this the indictment of President Donald Trump on charges relating to classified...

Welcome to Your New Country
Federal indictment of Trump over secretarial matters is meretricious
American Mind

The news that former president Trump has been indicted on federal criminal charges related to his alleged mishandling of documents after leaving office marks a new milestone in America’s depressing descent to politics in the style of Peru or Turkey, where departed presidents and political opponents are put in prison as a...

Biden Puts LGBTQ Flag on Par With Old Glory
Pursuing His Twisted Agenda
Daily Signal

People visiting Washington, D.C., this weekend probably expected to see a white house on Pennsylvania Avenue. Instead, the president’s residence was plastered in rainbow and transgender colors, an over-the-top display of the current resident’s LGBTQ fixation.

It was a stark contrast to the mood in the rest of America...

Race Means Nothing

It’s time to come to terms with the fact that the left is openly hostile toward the message and dream of MLK, Jr.—that a man be judged by his character rather than his skin color. Every modern human in possession of a clear and rational mind embraces the truth: character is everything.

Watch: Race Meand Nothing,...

Racist Denver City Council Member Loses - Wanted to Tax White Owned Businesses and Give Money to Minority Owned Businesses
Loses Reelection in Blowout
Gateway Pundit

In May, we told you about Candi CdeBaca, a member of the city council in Denver who was running for reelection and wanted to tax white owned businesses more and give the money to minority owned businesses.

It was basically a form of reparations based on the far-left concept of equity.

Well, that idea may have...

Michele Bachmann on the WHO power grab
‘This is historic…We will all be assigned a QR Code; this is the end of government in the United States’ if Congress doesn’t act

You hear about the communists, socialists, fascists, etc. destroying America and its institutions. You hear about right and left, liberal and conservative. But they all have one thing in common: They are all globalists and they are all moving things in the same direction, toward a technocratic global superstate in which all...

President Donald J. Trump Speech at GA GOP Convention - video
Right Side Broadcasting Network


On 10 June 2023, President Trump spoke in Georgia. Starting at 1:00:00, he addressed his plan for internal immigration enforcement - after the disastrous open borders policies of the Biden regime.

Trump referenced Eisenhower's Operation Wetback, where massive numbers of illegal aliens were...

Stephen Miller on the border invasion crisis - video
Interview with Megyn Kelly’

Stephen Miller on the border. For an impassioned and informative take on the border by a guy who knows plenty about the situation, check out Megyn Kelly's interview of Stephen Miller a few days ago. It runs from 7m10s to 49m45s here.


At 18m00s in Ms. Kelly poses the question I was pondering in my...

Trump's call to end birthright citizenship is a necessary corrective
The American Mind

Former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump pledged to end birthright citizenship in a recent campaign announcement, promising to sign an executive order on his first day in office to prevent “the future children of illegal aliens” from receiving automatic citizenship. The proposal promises to clarify at...

Swedish Prime Minister: "Massive Immigration Just Doesn't Work"
Announces new measures to make border policy strictest in Europe.
Summit News

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has acknowledged that “massive immigration just doesn’t work” as he announced changes to the country’s border control policy that would make it the strictest in the European Union...

“Let me be clear: Massive immigration and poor integration just doesn’t work,” wrote Kristersson...

Trove Of Nearly 10K Hunter Biden Laptop Photos, Docs Appear On Organized Website

Nearly 10,000 photos from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop were uploaded to a new website -, which has been intermittently unavailable since launch due to overwhelming traffic...

The site, which took months to complete, is the brainchild of former Trump White House aide, Garrett Ziegler, who worked...

Will Wokeness Be Our Demise?
American Thinker

Some have said that "woke" is a virus of the mind that affects the ability to understand and interact with reality. Jack Posobiec recently spoke at the Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC) in Budapest, Hungary, where he explained how being woke "fundamentally subverts one's ability to function and engage with...

Trump: I’ll End Birthright Citizenship. Your Move, DeSantis, Scott, Haley et al.!

Donald Trump made Birthright Citizenship a top issue in the 2024 presidential campaign this week, and indeed might have made it the issue. His promise to eliminate it invited a spasm of hysteria on Twitter and in the leftist Main Stream Media. But the noise didn’t matter. What mattered was Trump’s injecting this critical...

Report on CPAC Hungary 2023
American Renaissance

It is no coincidence that the only European edition of America’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) took place in Hungary this year — for the second year in a row. Hungary is a small country, even by European standards, with Hungarians living in their homeland counting for fewer than 10 million of the European...

J1 - The Anniversary of the BLM Insurrection at the White House
Before there was J6, there was J1.
FrontPage Mag

On May 29th, 2020, the nationwide insurrection by the racist hate group BLM and its leftist allies arrived in the nation’s capital in a very big way.

On Friday night, a violent racist leftist mob, falsely described as “peaceful” by its media allies, converged on the White House. The insurrectionists assaulted Secret...

Republicans Should Not Bet On Ballot Harvesting
Republicans are at a fatal disadvantage in the ballot-harvesting game, and it is important to understand why.
The Federalist

We understand the impulse among some Republicans to throw up their hands in frustration when it comes to ballot harvesting. They advocate rapidly deploying their own ballot-harvesting operations in advance of the 2024 election...

Given the current political and legal landscape, it is hard to imagine “emergency”...

All New US Jobs Since Covid Crash Went To Foreign-Born Workers
Zero Hedge

We live in a strange time, one where the formerly unthinkable - skepticism among the "very serious people" about government data veracity - has become mundane. And yet even though numerous bank analysts and strategists, and this site of course, have repeatedly raised questions and concerns about the credibility of the most...

Half of All New German Citizens are Muslims
There will not be a Germany in a generation.
FrontPage Mag

This is what national suicide looks like.

Germany saw a 28% increase in the number of people gaining its citizenship last year, with people from Syria accounting for more than a quarter of those who were naturalized, official data showed Tuesday...

A rough calculation pegs the number of new citizens from...

The WHO Will Have Authority To Mandate Vaccines Globally
Lew Rockwell

In the video above, John Campbell, Ph.D., a retired nurse educator, reviews the proposed amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR), which is the instrument that empowers the World Health Organization to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

If these amendments...

As noncitizens cast ballots, 'Motor Voter' law needs reform
Washington Examiner

Illegal immigrants [illegal aliens] and other noncitizens should not be voting in U.S. elections. Alas, too many do.

When Rep. Bob Livingston of Louisiana led Republican opposition to what was nicknamed the “Motor Voter” bill in 1993, he dubbed it “Auto Fraudo." Thirty years to the week after President Bill Clinton...

Introduction to Agenda 2030
The Burning Platform

Isn’t it interesting how there are almost no public discussions about habitat destruction, extinction events, chemical spills or pollutants, pesticides, herbicides and loss of forested areas. You know, the types of ecological disasters that might be man made and just might be caused by corporations, as well as other man-made...

Divisive Societal Collectivism: a Primary Driver of Total Control
American thinker

The might of the State relies exclusively on the destruction of the individual, and participation, acceptance, allowance, and support of State as god, by the collective members of ‘society,’ who have succumbed to the State’s efforts to divide them into a multitude of groups at odds with every other group...


Rethinking Globalization
America established the New World Order, and America can dismantle it
American Mind

... As political strategist Peter Zeihan explores in his book The End of the World Is Just the Beginning, so much of what determines the world economy is a vast and complex global system instituted and maintained by the United States after World War II. To ensure world peace as well as counteract the spread of communism, the...

Corporate America Has Launched A Religious War. It’s Time To Choose Your Side
The Federalist

Bud Light enlists a trans ladyface minstrel to sell beer. Target hires a trans Satanist to design LGBT clothes for kids and starts selling “binding” and “tucking” swimwear. North Face launches a marketing campaign featuring a creepy drag performer hocking LGBT gear to children ages 2 to 7. The Los Angeles Dodgers gives an...

George Floyd and the "Color" of Revolution
The age of any revolution is five years. After that, either its participants have wandered off, dismayed by failure, or else have succeeded and become an establishment, generally more tyrannous than the one they displaced. Hakim Felix Ellellou from John Updike's The Coup...

Obvious to Robespierre, and then to Pol Pot, was...

Why Kari Lake Couldn't Close the Deal
Republicans don't embrace real time. The RNC, the Trump Campaign, the Lake Campaign continue to fail with batch computer systems using 1970s technology.
American Thinker

... This week, Kari Lake lost, again, in a court that wouldn't have given her a victory had 240,000 citizens signed affidavits saying their ballots were stolen and changed at gunpoint...

Kari lost because she is naturally gifted and could upend established order. The leftists pulled out all the stops — just like 2020...

SPLC's True Agenda Is the Destruction of America’s Culture

... the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has raised hundreds of millions of dollars with which it has leveled countless legal and public relations attacks against various “hate groups.” 

Money aside, however, the SPLC is today a shell of its former self, beset with internal unrest and displaying a muddled focus......

The Taco Truck Delusion
Six months in Mexico taught me what a Latin American future for the USA really entails.
American Conservative

Five years ago, a 20-year-old college student in Iowa named Mollie Tibbetts vanished while jogging. Police soon found her decomposing body in a cornfield, stabbed to death. A 24-year-old illegal farmhand from Mexico was convicted for the murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole...

Mollie’s father went out...

Looking Ahead to 2050: Roger Devlin At The Scandza Forum

Roger Devlin spoke at this year’s Scandza Forum (Odysee video available here for $5.00) the same forum Jared Taylor was not allowed to attend.

... Most of you are probably aware that Americans of European descent are currently expected to make up less than half of the United States population by around the middle of...

Send Them Back
We are witnessing the most malicious voter registration campaign in human history.
American Greatness

Only a country that has lost the will to survive would tolerate the invasion underway all across America. There is no longer a southern border to speak of... The lowly citizen has been trampled underfoot to make lebensraum for the hallowed “asylum seeker,” [illegal alien] whose conquering steps are greeted with suppliant...

Radical Islam Is Biggest Terrorism Threat in Europe, French Minister Declares

Radical Sunni Islam is the single biggest terrorism threat facing Europe, a senior French minister has reaffirmed.

Gérald Darmanin, France’s Minister of the Interior, has declared that radical Sunni Islam is the single biggest terror threat facing Europe.

The minister made the claim ahead during a visit to the...

When We Are the Minority
Things are about to get harder.
American Greatness

... This rapid onset of disunity has many causes: the education system, the enormous numbers of newcomers, economic precarity, and bad outcomes that have discredited authorities. Traditional unifying values are still held by older people, but every day comparatively conservative Baby Boomers pass away and new Zoomers turn 18...

FBI, DOJ, and CIA rigged the last 2 elections... and they will rig 2024
American Thinker

Former deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland, who worked for General Michael Flynn – unjustly forced from office, offers a chilling and highly realistic view of what we face: a coup by the deep state that they are planning to repeat in 2024 because they don't want their crimes prosecuted by a Republican president...

Sanctuary City of Denver Feeling the Strain of Illegal Immigration
Sanctuary city officials say they're strapped for cash as available shelters and resources run thin with hundreds of new arrivals
Epoch Times

... Since December, the city has spent more than $16 million serving over 10,000 illegal immigrants [illegal aliens] needing food, clothing, housing, and transportation to other destination cities...

On May 8, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock and Colorado Gov. Jared Polis penned a letter to the U.S. Department of Homeland...

The United States Has Been Destroyed by Its Ruling Elites

... It has been clear for a long time that the list of fake charges against Trump, supported by the media, are propaganda to prevent Trump again running for President and to teach all future potential presidential candidates that they will be destroyed if they attempt to represent the people instead of the unelected ruling...

Denver Sanctuary City hits 10,000 illegal aliens during 5-month stretch
Colorado politics

Denver hit a new milestone Wednesday in the humanitarian crisis that now has seen more than 10,000 immigrants [illegal aliens] come to Denver over the past five months...

Hancock added, “However, Denver’s resources are not bottomless, and we continue to call on the federal government to send aid to cities across the...

Ready for leftists to wreck your neighborhood?
American Thinker

... The Biden administration is fostering the decline of those outer areas by using the Housing and Urban Development agency to force suburbs to accept high-density "affordable housing."

For several decades, one of the major dreams of the middle class has been to own a home in the suburbs. Now, under the guise of...

Video: Biden's Border Chaos - Stephen Miller, Liz Wolfe, and Sara Gonzales
The Megyn Kelly Show

Megyn Kelly is joined by Stephen Miller, founder of America First Legal, to talk about the end of Title 42 and the dangerous consequences of an influx of illegal aliens into America, how border policies transform a state’s political landscape, the true motivation of the activists driving the policy and what will...
