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Consequences of the islamic invasion of Europe

Massive immigration from islamic countries has yielded severe consequences in open-borders European countries. Here are a few articles revealing the consequences of the islamic invasion:

Ireland to house Muslim illegal aliens in a luxury palace, Bare Naked Islam, 22 February 2023.

In Sweden, virtually all taxi...

Hotel California
Epoch Times

... El Cajon... is a medium-sized city in the metro San Diego area...

Then came September 2022. We noticed a new and sudden influx of homeless people to our city—not just on the streets but taking over El Cajon hotels. I asked our police department to make some friendly inquiries with these folks, to find out where...

Gun Control is a War on Heritage America
It's about reducing you to second-class citizenship (or worse)
The Neo-Ciceronian Times

... The problem lies in that we have generations of conservatives who grew up in a post-Civil Rights Act America, one in which it has become increasingly radioactive to even talk about issues of race in any way other than completely in line with the Regime’s prevailing ideology. Any criticism is invariably met with that...

Greens Are Coming for All Cars
Greens (and Reds) Don’t Like Cars, Period

Late last month, Joe Biden was mocked for posting a photo of himself in an electric vehicle (a GMC Hummer) that costs $110,000 and up... In other words, the 46th president was ripped for confirming the stereotype that electric cars are a vanity passion for rich green liberals.

'We Nuked a Town': Media Blackout On Ohio Environmental Disaster
Journalists Covering It Arrested
We basically nuked a town with chemicals so we could get a railroad open Silverado Caggiano, a hazardous materials specialist

Palestine, Ohio looks like a disaster movie....

Nearly 48 hours after the accident, the situation took a concerning turn when changing conditions within one of the rail cars led authorities to...

TB increasing on the Texas border
As COVID grabbed attention, Texas’ efforts to control tuberculosis slipped
Dallas Morning News

... Before 2020, advances to eradicate TB, which is spread person-to-person through the air, were underway globally. It was considered by many public health experts to be a feasible goal, since tools are available to identify and treat it. But the prevalence of the disease in Mexico, and immigration along the border, has...

Another Historic Catholic Church Will Be Converted into a Mosque in Buffalo, New York
RAIR Foundation

Why did the Buffalo Diocese refuse to sell St. Ann’s to a group of Catholics who wanted to preserve it as a Catholic Church and instead chose a shadowy Islamic group?

In a secretive deal with the Muslim community, the historic Saint Ann Catholic Church and Shrine in Buffalo, New York, was purchased for a mere $250,000...

Spotlight on Crime Rates in Denver
A Look at the Rising Crime in Denver Council Districts & Neighborhoods
Common Sense Institute
Denver ranks in the top 10 U.S. cities for crime, including: 3rd motor vehicle theft; 6th property crime rate; 10th rape crime rate. Approximately 14,980 vehicles were stolen in Denver in 2022. That is equal to nearly every car being stolen from all parking lots surrounding Empower Field during 3 Broncos home games. The...
Death, injury, no liability, and now a part of the child vaccination schedule
Conservative Review

I never could have imagined coming out with a book – “Rise of the Fourth Reich” – on COVID fascism nearly three years into the “Great Reset” that would be more relevant now than during the lockdowns themselves. But it should now be clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that the botched vaccines weren’t some sort of mistake. It...

Three Years In, How Did the Lockdowns Go?
Brownstone Institute

Three years ago this month, a very small group of highly guarded ruling-class people from the UK, US, and Europe, were gathering to figure out how to lock down the country and the world. They held Zoom meetings and went to burner phones and plotted how to convince Trump to betray his own instincts....

None of the rest...

The problem with ranked-choice voting
American Thinker

Ranked choice voting is the answer to a question only a bureaucrat would even think to ask.

To simplify, RCV is a voting method used most recently in the 2022 Alaskan congressional election which Sarah Palin notoriously lost -- that in theory blurps out a winner that is actually (really really trust us on this) the...

So many people recently ‘died suddenly’ – What’s going on?
American Thinker

A new and increasingly popular Twitter hashtag is “#diedsuddenly” in response to a surge of sudden unexplained deaths among mostly young and healthy individuals, including athletes, occurring over the past 2 years. Here are but a few recent news stories....

This trend was quite worrisome, “So much so that the monthly...

Who Benefitted From This Chaos?
Epoch Times

Two years ago on this day, I posted a piece that was very hard to write. It concerned precisely who was benefiting from the lockdowns, masking, and all that was associated with it, including school and business closures and travel restrictions....

Let’s just go through the list of beneficiaries I first compiled two...

How's Colorado doing after having re-elected a Democrat governor?
American Thinker

... Chalkbeat Colorado shared how Colorado students were faring in 2022. It reported that, post-pandemic, 59% of third-graders were not meeting or exceeding literacy expectations for their grade level. Older students were doing worse: only 25 percent of seventh-graders met or exceeded benchmarks in math, and only 33 percent...

No Global Warming Per NASA Satellite Data

The New Climate Pause lengthens again: 101 months and counting …

The gentle warming of recent decades, during which nearly all of our influence on global temperature has arisen, is a very long way below what was originally predicted – and still is predicted...

The New Pause lengthens again: 101 months and...

Spain's VOX Party: 'Islamism is Incompatible with Western Culture, Generates Violence' (Video)
RAIR Foundation

Following the recent Islamic terrorist attack in Algeciras, Spain, by a Moroccan illegal migrant, who targetted Christians and murdered the sacristan of a local church, Spanish politician Ignacio Garriga declared, “Islamism is incompatible with Western culture. The VOX party’s secretary general said, “it generates violence,...

Denver – Rocky Mountain High to Rocky Mountain Hellhole
American Thinker

Seven years ago, Business Insider published, “14 reasons why Denver is the best place to live in America.”...

How is Denver doing now as “trendy and desirable”?

In answering that question, the Glendale Cherry Creek Chronicle published, “Denver becoming America’s crime capital.”...

The Chronicle, noted...

Just How Hard Were We Trolled?
Epoch Times

... the COVID vaccine did not work because it could not work....

Vaccines are not suitable for coronaviruses. Such respiratory viruses spread and mutate too quickly. This is why there has never been a vaccine for the common cold and why the flu shot is predictably suboptimal. Vaccines can only be sterilizing and...

Israel's Netanyahu To Evict ALL African Illegals. Where Is America's Netanyahu?

A ZeroHedge contributor reports (disapprovingly) that new Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is taking typically sensible measures to deal with the presence of African illegals in Israel:

Following public remarks from Netanyahu in which he recounted his previous efforts in 2013 to rein in illegal immigrants entering...

10 ways Denmark’s left-wing government reduced asylum applications by 82% and dramatically cut immigration

The Danish left-wing government’s continued push against mass immigration is producing tangible results, including a dramatic reduction in asylum applications as well as a sharp reduction in overall immigration. The government continues to be unique in all of Europe, featuring the only ruling left-wing bloc seriously opposed...

How to Memory-Hole a PSYOP

There comes a time near the end of every PSYOP when the PSYOP has achieved its objective, or as much of its objective as it is going to achieve, and is becoming increasingly recognizable as a PSYOP, and so the focus shifts to damage control, and erasing the PSYOP from official history.

This is a crucial stage of the...

Steel Yourselves, Conservatives
Patriots need to promote and focus within themselves the habits of resistance.
American Greatness

... In the lead up to 2022, Democrats not only refused to moderate their support for unlimited abortion up to the moment of birth, transgender surgery for minors, critical race theory, criminal justice reform, and illegal immigration, they doubled-down. Voters rewarded them with additional governorships, four flipped state...

Why Understanding Limits Is the Key to Humanity’s Future

... Limits exist everywhere in nature. Physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy—pick your field, dig into the literature, and you'll soon be struck by how everything in the universe is defined by limits of temperature, weight, volume, density, number, power, frequency, speed, and more...

All these developments...

Population Decline Hysteria and More Ponzi Demography

China’s announcement on 17 January 2023 that its population had declined for the first time in 60 years has fostered population decline hysteria and promoted more Ponzi demography in many parts of the world...

The population decline hysteria has in turn facilitated the promotion of Ponzi demography, which calls for...

Great news! Mandatory E-Verify in Florida
Governor Ron DeSantis Strikes At The Slave Power With Mandatory E-Verify—REASON Magazine Is NOT Happy!

America’s Viktor Orban, Governor Ron DeSantis, is moving from victory to victory on social and cultural issues, besides having a 2.5% unemployment rate. After beating the tranny lobby and Disney, Governor DeSantis has moved against illegal aliens, doing his best to end the job magnet and participating in the legal actions...

What the cluck? This is a matter of national survival
This is a matter of national survival
Gateway Pundit

... food processing plants across the United States have been targeted repeatedly over the last two years.

Just this past weekend, there was a massive fire at an egg farm in Connecticut....

From FOX News:

Last spring, in March, at a press conference in Brussels, Joe Biden explained that the sanctions he...

The Hidden Driver Of America’s Overcrowded Hospitals

... the crisis has been brewing for years, even decades. Simply put, America isn’t adding nearly enough hospital beds generally, and emergency room capacity specifically, to keep up with its growing population. And the ongoing border crisis is exacerbating the problem, since illegal immigrants [illegal aliens]...

The Slick Packaging of Misinformation
How Pro-growth Narratives are Hurting all of US.
Californians for Population Stabilization

This essay is in response to Jeff Wise and his Intelligencer article so frustratingly entitled, “America Could Use Another Boom.” 

His subtitle warns us that, “Failing to address population decline may exact a heavy toll.” Number one, we are not in decline. Number two, the US is overpopulated and deep into overshoot...

Immigration hits new records in France - may be by design

The year 2022 was a historic year for immigration in France. Never before had that country seen such an influx of both legal and illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, the proportion of those deported after having been denied asylum remains absurdly low....

Last year, France — a country of 68 million inhabitants — handed out...

Republican Party is Addicted to Losing
If only Republican elitists understood what is happening in "flyover country."
Canada Free Press

... If Republicans had been winning elections in the last six years, there would be overwhelming support for McDaniel to continue her leadership of the party....

Instead, the GOP has performed miserably in the 2018, 2020, 2022 and Georgia U.S. Senate runoff elections. The Republican Party lost the U.S. House in the...

Biden Regime Forcing Border Patrol To "Parole" Illegal Aliens

A few days ago, I was talking to some Border Patrol agents still on the job. They were telling me that details down to the Del Rio sector are slowing down. Agents are still being sent there, but not in the quantity that they were. However, although the agents are not physically being sent to the southern border, they are...

Woke Revolutionaries Versus Americanists
The American Mind

... America is in the middle of a Cold Civil War between woke revolutionaries—who believe America is and has always been systemically racist (evil), so that it must be deconstructed, de-legitimized (i.e., destroyed)—and those who believe that America is good, that its principles are the greatest antidote to racism ever...

Remittance Flows and GDP Impact By Country - graphic

Remittances are a massive transfer of wealth out of America.

Remittances are monies sent by foreign-born workers (legal immigrants and illegal aliens) back to their home country. The transfers are facilitated by sending money through banks, making investments in the home country, or by returning to the home country...

Annual border apprehensions approaching 1% of total US population

... Biden’s administration may bring a record 2.7 million illegal aliens to the United States-Mexico border this year, new analysis projects.

For 2021, Steven Kopits with Princeton Policy Advisors accurately projected that about two million border crossers and illegal aliens would be apprehended.


NYC Adams' Border Epiphany Shows Sanctuary Laws Are a Disaster

New York City Mayor Eric Adams made a trip to the southern border recently to bring attention to the needs of his city, which has been overwhelmed by illegal aliens. This episode has forced Adams to see the inescapable truth: sanctuary laws are a house of cards that cannot support the consequences of their lofty but highly...

New Book Sends Shockwaves Through Pfizer’s Criminal Enterprise
They wanted to keep this information hidden from you for 75 years.
Daily Clout

Seventy-five years. That’s how long Pfizer and the FDA tried to hide the Pfizer documents from public view — long after just about everyone affected is dead. It wasn’t until renowned attorney Aaron Siri led a FOIA case against the FDA that a federal judge ordered the documents to be released in 108 days, the same amount of...

The Environmentalist Assault on Civilization
American Greatness

The following article emphasis many important points. But it omits discussion of the elephant in the living room, as noted below.

No reasonable person would deny the importance of protecting the environment. The accomplishments of the environmental movement over the past 50 years are undeniable: cleaner air and...

Crushed Bugs Now Included in Pizza, Pasta & Cereals Across the EU
Summit News

As of yesterday, a food additive made out of powdered crickets began appearing in foods from pizza, to pasta to cereals across the European Union....

But don’t worry, because the crickets first have to be checked to make sure they “discard their bowel content” before being frozen....

The European Union also...

Mexico Is Not Really An American Friend

Left-wing Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador recently praised a visiting President Joe Biden: "Just imagine: There are 40 million Mexicans in the United States... "

Note that Mexico itself facilitates illegal transits across its southern border - as long as such Central American and other global migrants...

Non-Violent J6 Protester, Put Feet Up On Pelosi's Desk Faces Life in Prison

Richard "Bigo" Barnett, 62, is facing a potential life sentence for peacefully entering the Capitol on January 6th and putting his feet up on Nancy Pelosi's desk.

Barnett was wildly overcharged by vindictive prosecutors and denied a change of venue out of Washington, DC....


As Capitol Stormers...

Your Living Standards Have Declined Dramatically
The Epoch Times

In the old days, shopping for groceries used to be a joy. By old days, I mean two years ago....

The price of eggs is up dramatically because all the costs associated with making them available to consumers are up....

This damage is absolutely not captured in the CPI, which has huge drawbacks by being calculated...

Who Killed President Kennedy?

In a remarkable television broadcast on December 15, 2022, Tucker Carlson made an explosive charge. He pointed out that, contrary to law, the White House was refusing to release thousands of pages of documents about the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Carlson said that these documents proved CIA...

The Scope of a Created Global Food Crisis
The Last Refuge

... As energy resources like natural gas were curtailed the resulting price increase and subsequent shortage of fertilizer was discussed in great detail well in advance.

Now, we are starting to see exactly what those warning voices were talking about.

An interesting article in ZeroHedge Saturday... draws...

The World's Lost Forests
Visual Capitalist
Mapping the World’s Forests: How Green is our Globe?

According to the United Nations (UN), forests cover 31% of the world’s land surface. They absorb roughly 15.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO₂) every year.

More than half of this green cover is spread across the boreal forests of Russia and Canada, the Amazon...

Sanctuary City of Denver boots illegal aliens after 14 days
9 News

About two weeks ago, the city of Denver instated a rule that only allows migrants [illegal aliens] seeking asylum 14-day stays in city-run shelters. The rule goes into effect Monday, January 23rd. 

For those hoping to stay in Denver, the city says it is working to provide alternative options through host families,...

EU Invasion 2022 Increased by 64%; Majority Islamic Men from Syria, Afghanistan, and Tunisia
RAIR Foundation USA

Approximately 330,000 illegal border crossings into the European Union (EU) were recorded in 2022, the highest figure since the migration crisis of 2016. According to the latest data from EU border agency Frontex, the number of illegal entries into the Union increased 64 percent from the previous year.

According to...

Gas Stove Scare: Fraud Created By Climate Change Authoritarians
Alt Market

In the past I have often tried to take a big picture approach to the issues facing the American public and how there is almost always a deeper connection between a variety of political and economic events. And, what has become increasingly clear to me is that in order to understand government actions and geopolitics, you...

Biden And AMLO Make Their Policies Crystal Clear: The Border Is Open

Held in Mexico City on January 9 and 10, the ballyhooed three-nation summit that featured President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) did not disappoint … at least if you’re a Treason Lobbyist. Biden declared that he wants “to make it easier” for “...

We Voted For This?
The globalists have been working on this for many years. These 'alternatives' will destroy our Republic,
Canada Free Press

We have the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in American political history. - Joe Biden, 10/24/2020

Yes, Biden said the above quote in October, 2020. People with dementia are often like children. They say exactly what is on their mind, albeit inappropriate...

Our founders weren’t perfect...

Biden Released More Illegal Aliens in 3 Months Than Entire Population of Montana
Geller Report

It’s a bloody invasion and yet not one legacy media outlet has covered it. On the contrary, they are militantly covering for it.

The country is in the throes of a totalitarian coup and... the country is too dumb, too apathetic, or too misinformed to care or worse – in support of greatest self inflicted wound in human...

You Don’t “Become Japanese” By Moving There. How Come You Become An American By Moving Here?

A question that is absurd on its face: Can you, a white or black man, an American or an African, “become Japanese?” Answer: Of course not. To be Japanese is to be of Japanese blood and raised in Japan, with its language, cuisine and other markers of Japanese culture. Why? Because the Japanese say so. So why can’t Americans...

Minnesota Art Professor Fired For Showing Depiction Of Prophet Muhammad

The now-former professor at Hamline University, Erika López Prater, warned students in the syllabus that images of holy figures, including the Prophet Muhammad and the Buddha, would be shown during the course. She asked students to contact her with any concerns, and said nobody did.

In class, she told students right...

Micki Witthoeft Arrested for Laying Flowers for Her Murdered Daughter on the Steps of the Capitol
Gateway Pundit

The mother of Ashli Babbitt, Micki Witthoeft, was arrested by U.S. Capitol Police at a protest Friday afternoon in Washington, D.C. marking the second anniversary of her daughter’s killing by Capitol Police officer Michael Byrd during the January 6th riot.

Micki was on her way to lay a rose on the steps of the US...

Tucker destroys the Democrats’ January 6 narrative
American Thinker

Tucker Carlson’s monologue on Friday night, the second anniversary of January 6, was outstanding. He stands athwart the Democrats’ perverted narrative and hollers, “Stop.” And if you need more evidence about how the narrative is being perverted, a new media reporter named Tayler Hansen tells about what really happened on...

After Telling 31,000 Noncitizens How to Register to Vote, Colorado Kept Information From Local Election Officials
Daily Signal

Less than a month before the November election, the office of Colorado’s secretary of state declined to provide the names of noncitizens who received voter registration notifications by mail, according to records obtained by a watchdog group.   

The Public Interest Legal Foundation released a report Thursday about how...

Big Brother Surveillance
American Renaissance

Recent court filings reveal that Google, by means of its Location History function that many Google users (often unknowingly) opt into, has tracked and recorded extensive location data for over 500 million people. Few of us are aware our location histories are being tracked and recorded in this way. Law enforcement agencies...

Sanctuary State Colorado Begins Busing Illegal Aliens to Sanctuary City New York

Officials in the sanctuary state of Colorado, with an influx of border crossers and illegal aliens arriving, are sending migrant buses to New York City, also a sanctuary jurisdiction.

For nearly a year, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has sent busloads of border crossers and illegal aliens to sanctuary cities like New York...

Unbelievable! Border Wall Dismantled in Arizona as Katie Hobbs Becomes Governor
Epoch Times

Arizona has started to dismantle its makeshift border wall made of shipping containers that was championed by former Gov. Doug Ducey but faced opposition from newly minted Gov. Katie Hobbs and was the target of a Biden administration lawsuit....

Illegal immigration has soared under President Joe Biden’s watch, with...

Cover-up! Jan 6 Committee Seals All Important Videos and Docs for 50 Years
Geller Report

Ask yourself why they would seal the evidence for 50 years?

The committee, which was entirely one-sided against former President Donald Trump after Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi took the unprecedented step of blocking minority party nominees, followed the equally problematic practice of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) in...

100,000 Migrants In 2022, Italy To Act Against NGO Ferry Boats

As Olivier Bault reports at Remix News, the threshold of 100,000 illegal migrants who arrived by sea in Italy this year was crossed on Dec. 21, and the number is not only a symbolic milestone but also serving as a call to action for Italy’s conservative government.

The figure of 100,000 can be compared with the 64,055...

UN Agenda 2030 Beware: '15-Minute Cities' - Globalist Scheme to Control, Punish, Surveil and Imprison You (Video)
RAIR Foundation USA

[See videos in the original article.]

The left-wing controlled Oxfordshire County Council’s new plans to divide the British city of Oxford into six “15-minute cities”. In these new “smart” districts, it is said, most household essentials will be accessible by a quarter-of-an-hour walk or bike ride, so residents will...

Do Not Apologize for the West
Encounter books

...  So, what has changed between the early 1980s and today?

The conquest of every mainstream institution by an idea that Ambassador Kirkpatrick memorably identified in 1984. “The progressive left always blames America first,” she said in a GOP convention speech. Kirkpatrick was referring to foreign affairs, but she...

Disgusting Infrastructure Bill Installs Kill Switches in All New Vehicles, Turns America into a Police State
Gateway Pundit

Many people view cruising alone down the open road as the ultimate form of freedom. We regret to inform you that liberty will completely evaporate soon unless Congress acts.

The website Motorious reported on Friday that former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr has been sounding the alarm on a terrifying item buried within...

US Border Crisis is National Security Crisis: Former ICE Chief Tom Homan
Epoch Times

Tom Homan, former acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), has criticized what he described as lax border security policies under the Biden administration, arguing that the surge in illegal immigration “is on purpose.”

Homan, who served as head of ICE from 2017 to 2018, described the border...

Repeal the 1965 Immigration Act!

Repeal the 1965 Immigration Act!



Repeal the 1965 Immigration Act

Forecast 2023 - Get Out of the Way if You Can’t Lend a Hand

Here's an interesting and sobering read. Kunstler covers the economy, the deep state, Ukraine (particularly interesting), Asia, and diminishing energy. His prognosis is grim, consistent with his books The Long Emergency.and Living in the Long Emergency. The article is sobering yet worth reading. Here are a few excerpts:...

Ballot Busting - 2022 articles

This was not just election fraud, it was a coup.

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything - Joseph Stalin The only thing we did on Election Day was tell them how many votes they needed on Election Night. - Andy Swan (@AndySwan) November 4,...
The Coming Split
What should we do when a majority of Republicans want Trump, but the Republican Party says we can’t have him?
American Greatness

Last week I wrote about Teddy Roosevelt and Donald Trump. My comparison wasn’t between the two men as presidents—though they had some similar personality traits—but between how the two men were treated by the Republican Party. The Republican Party of 1912 decided it would be better off renominating William Howard Taft, even...

The Mob Comes For Madison
On the woke hijacking of James Madison’s Montpelier.
New Criterion

If chattel slavery hadn't existed in the United States, the Left would have had to invent it. What we mean is that the idea of slavery has become so dear to the disciples of identity politics that without its moral sanction they would be lost. Absent the original sin of slavery, the entire racialist racket that holds our...

Census: Mass Legal Immigration Drives U.S. Population to 333 Million in 2022
American Renaissance


This week, the U.S. Census Bureau revealed that in 2022, the U.S. population hit about 333.3 million residents — a 0.4 percent increase compared to 2021 — with growth in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Most of the population growth in 2022, more than 80 percent, is directly from the nation’s...

Victor Davis Hanson on the FBI

Here’s another recommended article by VDH. There’s so much in it that it’s hard to select just a few quotes, but here are some of special interest to me:

The FBI is now, tragically, in freefall. The public is at the point, first, of asking what improper or illegal behavior will the bureau not pursue, and what, if...

An Open Letter to Young Socialists
Epoch Times

... Over the past half-century, my abhorrence of poverty hasn’t waned. However, I quit being a socialist long ago. It wasn’t because my values and goals changed, but because my understanding of how best to achieve the worthy goal of defeating poverty has evolved. Caring about a problem is the easy part. The harder part is to...

Report Exposes Illegal Immigration Industrial Complex and the 'Charities' That Benefit

A new investigation from the Heritage Foundation exposes how Non-Governmental Organizations, known as NGOs, work with the federal government to relocated illegal immigrants from border towns to destinations across the country under the guise of "charity."

"The Biden border crisis was sparked by the deliberate...

North America Goes South: The Plan To Dismantle USA
Real Clear Politics

People are starting to realize that the collapse of the American border is not an accident. It can’t be. When the vice president of the United States says the border is “secure” at the same time that illegal border crossings have surged to more than a million a year, then one of two things must be true.

Either the...

America’s Growing Political Impotence
American thinker

... Unfortunately, America may be slowly inching to this point where government incompetence undermines its legitimacy. Why support a country run by bumbling fools? This is not just the usual cynicism encapsulated by the comic phrase, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.” This is the level of ineffectiveness...

Can Our or Any Democracy Survive With 8 Plus Billion of Us?
Church and State

 The USA stands as the world’s most powerful and prosperous democracy, but despite many smaller and quite functional democracies, the anti-freedom, dictatorships of China, Russia, Iran and the many lesser dictatorships are not likely to be supplanted by citizen uprisings or any changes from the Xi and Putin types which...

Trump Was a Mistake - for establishment politicians
The success of Donald Trump’s presidency dealt establishment politicians a heavy blow. A second Trump term might kill them—and they know it.
American Greatness

... [in 2016] back when most Republicans (myself included) didn’t consider Trump a serious candidate. The media decided he would be a wonderful candidate from the Democrats’ perspective and selected him as most likely to lose to Hillary Clinton. So they gave him all the free coverage he could handle....


Mass Migration Artificially Increased U.S. Population in 2022
American Greatness

In the year 2022, the population of the United States of America was artificially boosted by the surge of mass migration across the southern border, with over 1 million people being added to the overall population total.

According to the Associated Press, the American population increased by 1.2 million due to the...

What are we getting for our "investment" in Zelensky?

“Give me money so I can demand more money!” Our seriously-broke country has no business giving away anything for free, let alone this kind of coin to a lawless authoritarian state halfway around the globe.


Partial transcript:

... What exactly are the terms of this? Now that we're talking...

Anti-White Indoctrination: Marxist Manipulation of Children's Minds Through Language
RAIR Foundation USA

Now white people can’t even be friendly to minorities without accusations of racism.

The woke Left has been trying to exert political control and further cement its victimhood narrative through restrictive language changes. Racist common language glossaries have been popping up all over college campuses, including...

Conquered: Islamization of Great Britain, There is No Turning Back
RAIR Foundation USA
This year, Leicester’s famous multiculturalism, so praised by the establishment, exploded. Knife attacks, stone- and bottle-throwing, cars torched, religious symbols under siege, dozens wounded, including policemen…. Then the hunt for Hindus began in Britain’s streets. “Leicester to be first city where white people are...
A Compendium Of 23 Years Of The War On Christmas

This updates  Yes, Virginia (Dare), There Is A War On Christmas—Here’s Twenty Years Of Proof! which had 356 items in 2019. Since then we’ve added an additional 59 items, making at total of 415.

See the original article for a compilation of articles covering the War on Christmas.



Oberlin College makes $36M payment to bakery in racial profiling defamation case
New York Post

Oberlin College has forked over the $36 million owed to a local bakery after the progressive Ohio school falsely accused the family-operated business of being racist.

The substantial payout was awarded earlier this year after Gibson’s Bakery won a defamation lawsuit against the school that sided with three black...

Lithuania's 'Anti-Migrant" Wall on the Belarusian Border is Complete (Video)
RAIR Foundation USA

In response to the influx of migrants from Belarus, Lithuania, like Poland, has started building a wall along its border. It is now complete, but major video surveillance systems have been implemented to combat damage attributed partly to the Belarusian border guards.

Meanwhile, in the United States, thousands of...

Audacious Items Included in $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill -The Raping of America
Gateway Pundit

As reported in the article, here is a summary of audacious items in the $1.7 spending bill:

"The Omnibus bill is over 4,000 pages long with $1.7 trillion in spending. It prohibits the government from spending any money to be used to improve US border security. WHO WROTE THIS? CHINA?"

It expressly prohibits CBP...
WHO Treaty for Global Martial Law
There Are No Emergency Powers

...  In Orwell’s 1984 there was a constant state of war between three global powers and this helped facilitate control over the population. Rule by fear and hate were so prevalent in Orwell’s 1984 that there was an official hate week. In the name of security people were encouraged to report on each other and video...

The moral imperative of depopulation
Overpopulation Project

Anthropocentrism is preventing humanity from dealing with the world’s cascading environmental crises. Stephen Williams reviews the work of Catholic historian Paul Collins who argues depopulation is an urgent moral imperative.

A new discussion paper on population ethics written by Catholic historian Paul Collins is as...

Sorry, Those Fired H-1Bs Aren’t Going Anywhere, At Least Not Home

One of the benefits of Elon Musk’s mass firings at Twitter and the general downsizing in social media companies, that Facebook is firing more than Twitter with none of the publicity. The good news was that lots of H-1Bs were going to go home. Even experts at VDare were fooled: Bonus to Musk’s Buying Twitter: Fired H-1B...

10 Steps to Save America
Yes, there is a way. But is there the will?
American Greatness

Most Americans know something has gone terribly wrong—and very abruptly—with the United States. They are certain that our wounds are almost all self-inflicted. The current pathologies are not a result of a natural disaster, an exhaustion of natural resources, plagues, or an existential war....

In the spirit of...

Bidenflation clocks in at 13.2%, according to new TIPP index
American Thinker

... Prices are up, and Joe Biden caused the problem by spending and printing money for government boondoggles, like a proverbial drunken sailor. 

 The figure cited is year-on-year, which doesn't really convey the extent of the problem. The real measure of inflation is the one that begins with Joe Biden's...

Denver Mayor Declares Emergency, Says City ‘On Verge of Reaching Breaking Point’ Amid Influx of Illegal Aliens
Epoch Times

The city of Denver declared a state of emergency on Thursday in order to stave off a local humanitarian crisis amid an influx of illegal aliens from the southern border, mainly from El Paso, Texas.

Mayor Michael Hancock, a Democrat, issued the declaration as several hundred illegal aliens, mostly from Central and...

DHS and FBI Content Removal Requests to Twitter
The Last Refuge

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi has released the sixth installment after review of more Twitter File data [SEE HERE].  Keep in mind, the research group containing Mr. Taibbi are only seeing the consequences side of the content removal process.  What specifically happened in/around the portal of information flowing into...

The Twitter Files (1): Know Your Spooks

PLEASE NOTE: This is the 1st part of a 3-part series. Here we lay a foundation describing how the “alphabet agencies” have infiltrated social media to use it as a chokepoint for the control of information and dissemination of propaganda. Parts 2 & 3 will explain the need for the release of more “Twitter Files” on Antifa...

Great Replacement Update: Border Anarchy Worsens

ideo and other reports from the border are clear. Anarchy reigns; no sane person can dispute that penniless illegal aliens this nation will never deport—something they know very well—have mounted a full-scale invasion that is worsening as the end of Title 42 public-health expulsions approaches.

Border agents are...

What the Hell Happened to PayPal?
In 1998, the payments app was created to empower individuals. Today, it’s a cornerstone of our emerging social-credit system.
The Free Press

One by one, they go to start their business day only to find a baffling message from their payments app informing them: “You can no longer do business with PayPal.”

There is little or no explanation. They have somehow offended the sensibilities of someone somewhere deep inside the bureaucracy. 

They are simply...

Biden's 2023 Border Plan: Two Migrants for Every American Birth

... Biden’s border agency expects 9,000 to 14,000 economic migrants per day after officials remove the Title 42 legal barrier in late December, says CNN.

The predicted inflow adds up to roughly 4.5 million migrants per year or more than one extra southern migrant for every American birth in the United States.


How Christmas Has Shaped Our History and Values

[originally published 25 December 2017]

“Christmas is essential to our understanding of Western Civilization and our values,” said Breitbart News’s Senior Editor-at-Large Rebecca Mansour on Sunday.

Mansour made her comments while co-hosting Breitbart News Sunday alongside Breitbart Executive Chairman Stephen K...

Recount Confirms GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert Officially Wins Against Democrat Adam Frisch
Gateway Pundit

A rrecount in Colorado’s 3rd Congressional district confirmed GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert won her race against Democrat Adam Frisch.

Democrat Adam Frisch conceded to Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert last month....

Biden Regime Plan For The Zerg Rush Appears: EAD Amnesty

While Traitor Thom Tillis seeks to trade an ineffectual continuance of Title 42 authority in exchange for amnesty for 2 million illegal aliens and millions more green cards for tech indentured servants, the Biden Regime’s response to the now confirmed renewed zerg rush of illegal aliens at the border with Mexico is...

Coming to America - The Culture Transplant
Review: ‘The Culture Transplant’ by Garett Jones
Washington Free Beacon

Review of ‘The Culture Transplant’ by Garett Jones.

... Jones shows, through an engaging and digestible tour of the academic literature, that people bring their national character with them when they migrate; that those values persist for up to several generations; and that some values really are better for societal...
